Project Configuration Group Options and Custom Settings

You can control PSA behavior when users create projects using the options available in the Create Project configuration group, the Create Project Personal custom settings and the Create Project Global custom settings.

Create Project Configuration Group

Note: Note
The field sets Create Project From Opp And Template Project Columns and Create Project From Opp And Template Budget Columns allow your administrator to easily customize the Create Project page. Subsequently, several configuration options in the Create Project configuration group are now obsolete and are denoted with an "O".

O – Obsolete.
E - Extended Create Project From Template edition only.

Field Key Description

Default Value

add-assignment-checkbox-to-create-project-rr-list   When a user creates a project from an opportunity or project template, indicates whether the Create Assignment column is displayed in the Resource Request Mappings section of the Create Project page. True
always copy resource requests from opportunity   Resource Requests are displayed on the Create Project from Opportunity/Template page depending on the Display Resource Requests configuration option. If this configuration option is set when creating a project, eligible resource requests are always copied from the opportunity regardless of whether they are displayed. If this configuration option is set when creating a project from a template, the resource requests on the selected project template are cloned regardless of whether they are displayed. This does not copy the resource requests from the opportunity. Checked
budget default use services attached from products   Indicates whether products or subscriptions attached to the Products field are used as the starting point for the default amount of the project budget instead of the Opportunity Amount. Checked
budget default using existing expense amounts   Indicates whether both expense amounts are subtracted from the Opportunity total to generate the Budget amount. Checked
budget name suffix   Suffix added to a budget name. -Budget
budget type picklist values   Values displayed in the Budget Type drop-down list in the Budget Details section of the Create Project page. Vendor Purchase Order Change Request, Customer Purchase Order, Customer Purchase Order Change Request, Work Order, Internal Budget, Internal Budget Change Request
copy points from template tasks O As of Version 11.0, this configuration option is no longer in use.  
copy project task assignments from template tasks   Indicates whether the project task assignment child objects of a project task are copied when creating a project from a template.  
copy record type from template   Indicates whether the record type is always copied from the project template when creating a project from a template.  
copy wbs number from template tasks O As of Version 11.0, this configuration option is no longer in use.  
copy-exclude-from-billing O As of Version 12.0, this option has been replaced by the Create Project From Template Alt Copy Project Fields field set. See Create Project From Template Alt Copy Project Fields for more information.
This option may be removed in a future release.
copy-task-milestone-lookup O As of Version 11.0, this configuration option is no longer in use.
copy-template-project-tasks-default   Indicates whether the Copy Template Project Tasks and Task Dependencies checkbox in the Project tasks section of the on the Create Project from Template page is selected when the page loads. True
create budget from selected service product line items   Indicates whether a page is displayed to select the service product line items. When this option is selected, the sum of the items (if greater than zero) is used as the starting point for the budget instead of the Opportunity Amount. Unchecked
create-budget-default   Indicates whether the Create Budget checkbox on the create project pages is selected by default when the page loads.  
create-project-from-template-adjust-exceptions-default   Indicates whether the Adjust Schedule Exceptions checkbox on the Create Project page is selected by default when creating a project from a template. True
create-project-from-template-default-records-per-page E Determines the default number of records in multiples of 5 to display per tab on the Create Project From Template page. Both the default and minimum value is 5. The maximum value is 25. 5
create-project-from-template-ignore-holidays-default   Indicates whether the Ignore Holidays checkbox on the Create Project page is selected by default when creating a project from a template. True
create-project-from-template-resource-request-columns   List of API names of resource request fields to appear in the Resource Request Mappings from Template section of the Create Project from Template page.  
create-project-resource-request-columns   List of API names of resource request fields to appear in the Resource Request Mappings section of the Create Project page and the Resource Request Mappings from Opportunity section of the Create Project from Template page.  
create-project-with-no-opp-update-permission   Indicates whether a user who has no edit permission on opportunities can create a project from an opportunity by clicking Create Project or Create Project from Opportunity in the Project related list without updating the Primary Project field. False
default budget name   Indicates whether a default budget name is displayed when users create projects from opportunities. Checked
default budget status   The default value displayed in the Budget Status field. Draft
default budget type   Default value displayed in the Budget Type field. Customer Purchase Order
default is active   Indicates whether new projects are active by default. Checked
default is billable   Indicates whether new projects are billable by default. Checked
default is billable for hours   Indicates whether new projects are billable for hours by default.  
default project name   Indicates whether the Project Name field is populated with the default template name when creating a new project. Also applies to creating a new project from a template from accounts, opportunities, regions, practices, groups, project list views and from the immediate sub-projects related list on the project. In the classic edition of Create Project From Template, this setting is only applicable to creating a project from a template created from an opportunity. Checked
default project owner   The default value for the Project Owner field. You can set this to one of the following:
  • Opportunity Owner
  • Current User
  • Blank
Opportunity Owner
default time credited   The default value for the Time Credited field. Unchecked
default time excluded   The default value for the Time Excluded field. Unchecked
default-group-from-template   Indicates whether the Group field in the Create Project from Template page comes from the project template. When true, the value comes from the template. When false, the value comes from the opportunity or group that the page was opened from, otherwise it is not set. False
default-practice-from-template   Indicates whether the Practice field in the Create Project from Template page comes from the project template. When true, the value comes from the template. When false, the value comes from the opportunity or practice that the page was opened from, otherwise it is not set. False
default-region-from-template   Indicates whether the Region field in the Create Project from Template page comes from the project template. When true, the value comes from the project template. When false, the value comes from the opportunity or region that the page was opened from, otherwise it is not set. False
display account name O As of Version 12.0, this configuration option is no longer in use.  
display budget amount O As of Version 12.0, this configuration option is no longer in use.  
display budget effective date O As of Version 12.0, this configuration option is no longer in use.  
display budget name O As of Version 12.0, this configuration option is no longer in use.  
display budget prebilled amount O As of Version 12.0, this configuration option is no longer in use.  
display budget status O As of Version 12.0, this configuration option is no longer in use.  
display budget type O As of Version 12.0, this configuration option is no longer in use.  
display end date O As of Version 12.0, this configuration option is no longer in use.  
display exclude from billing O As of Version 12.0, this configuration option is no longer in use.  
display group O As of Version 12.0, this configuration option is no longer in use.  
display is active O As of Version 12.0, this configuration option is no longer in use.  
display is billable O As of Version 12.0, this configuration option is no longer in use.  
display is billable for hours   Indicates whether the Billable for Hours field appears on the Create Project page.  
display opportunity O As of Version 12.0, this configuration option is no longer in use.  
display opportunity owner O As of Version 12.0, this configuration option is no longer in use.  
display owner id O As of Version 12.0, this configuration option is no longer in use.  
display practice O As of Version 12.0, this configuration option is no longer in use  
display project manager O As of Version 12.0, this configuration option is no longer in use.  
display project name   Indicates whether the Project Name field appears on the Create Project page.  
display region O As of Version 12.0, this configuration option is no longer in use.  
display resource requests   Indicates whether the Resource Requests field appears on the Create Project page. If creating a project from a template, this option is not selected and the Always Copy Resource requests from opportunity option is set, only the resource requests from the template are copied to the project and not those from the resource request. If the Display Resource Requests option is selected, the resource requests from both the template and the opportunity are listed.  
display start date O As of Version 12.0, this configuration option is no longer in use.  
display time credited O As of Version 12.0, this configuration option is no longer in use.  
display time excluded O As of Version 12.0, this configuration option is no longer in use.  
display-exclude-from-billing   Indicates whether the Exclude from Billing field is displayed when creating a project from a template. False
is budget amount required   Indicates whether users must enter a value in the Amount field. We recommend you set this configuration to true as the corresponding field is required when you create a budget. True
is budget effective date required   Indicates whether users must select a date for the Effective Date field. We recommend you set this configuration to true as the corresponding field is required when you create a budget. True
is budget name required   Indicates whether users must enter a name in the Budget Name field. True
is budget prebilled amount required   Indicates whether users must enter a value in the Pre-Billed Amount field. False
is budget status required   Indicates whether users must enter a value in the Budget Status field. False
is end date required   Indicates whether users must select an End Date. False
is group required   Indicates whether users must select a Group. False
is opportunity owner required   Indicates whether users must select an Opportunity Owner. True
is owner id required   Indicates whether users must select an Opportunity Owner ID. True
is practice required   Indicates whether users must select a Practice. True
is region required   Indicates whether users must select a Region. True
is start date required   Indicates whether users must select a Start Date. True
is-opportunity-required   Indicates whether an opportunity is required when creating a project from a template. When false, an opportunity is only required when creating a project from a template on the Opportunity Detail page. If the configuration option or its value is missing, it defaults to true.  
milestone fields to display   The milestone fields available for editing when creating a project from a template. You must ensure that at least one of the following values is included:
  • Milestone_Amount__c
  • Planned_Hours__c
  • Target_Date__c
  • Requires_Customer_Sign_off__c
  • Description__c
  • Actual_Date__c
  • Approver__c
  • Milestone_Cost__c
  • Log_Milestone_Cost_As_External__c
  • Estimated_Time_To_Completion__c 
Name, Milestone_Amount__c, Target_Date__c, Requires_Customer_Sign_off__c, Description__c, Planned_Hours__c
milestone-list-sort-columns   Comma delimited list of API names of fields on which to sort the milestones listed on the Create Project from Template page. By default, sorts the milestones by the date on which they were created. CreatedDate
milestone-list-sort-descending   Indicates whether the list of milestones on the Create Project from Template page is to be sorted in descending order. False
not-subtract-existing-budgets   Indicates whether the amount calculated from the budgeted amount from the opportunity total or the selected products. No budget amount or expense amount is subtracted from it. To use this option, budget-default-use-services-attached-from-products and create-budget-from-selected-service-product-line-items must be enabled.  
project name suffix   Suffix added to a project name. -Project
task-list-sort-columns   Comma delimited list of API names of fields on which to sort the project tasks listed on the Create Project from Template page. By default, sorts the project tasks by the date on which they were created. CreatedDate
task-list-sort-descending   Indicates whether the list of project tasks on the Create Project from Template page is to be sorted in descending order. False
use-extended-create-project-from-template-edition   Determines which edition of Create Project From Template is accessed from the Create Project From Template button and PSE link. When true, the extended edition is accessed. When false, the classic edition is accessed. False

Use these settings in the Project configuration group to control behavior on the Project page.

Field   Description

Default Value

default-opportunity-owner-if-blank   Indicates whether the Opportunity Owner field is copied from the Opportunity when a user creates a new project. False
create-project.opp-to-project-field-map   Specifies the mappings between Opportunity and Project fields when users create a project from an opportunity. You must format values as: <Opportunity field>=<Project field>. For example, Custom_Opp_Field__c=Custom_Proj_Field__c.
Note: Note
For this setting to take effect, add the mapped field(s) to the Create Project From Template Alt Copy Project Fields field set.
default-resource-cost-rate-constant-in-currency-of   Indicates whether the default resource cost rate is shown in the currency of the resource or the project.  

Create Project Personal Custom Setting

The Create Project Personal custom setting contains settings that can be applied when creating a project from an opportunity or template. Predominately, these settings affect the Create Project and Create Project from Template UI pages that combine information from multiple objects.

Field Description

Default Value

Opp and Template Proj Budget Fieldset The API name of a field set used by the Budget object. Fields in this set define the editable fields in the Budget Details section of the Create Project from Template and Create Project from Opportunity pages. See also Budget Field Sets. CreateProjectFromOppAndTempBudgetColumns
Opp and Template Proj Fieldset The API name of a field set used by the Project object. Fields in this set define the editable fields in the Project Details section of the Create Project from Template and Create Project from Opportunity pages. See also Project Field Sets. createProjectFromOppAndTempProjColumns
Opp RR Fieldset The API name of a field set used by the Resource Request object. Fields in this set define the columns in Resource Request Mappings from Opportunity on the Create Project from Template page. See also Resource Request Field Sets. CreateProjectOpportunityRRColumns
Template Proj Alt Copy Assign Fieldset The API name of a field set used by the Assignment object. Fields in this set define the assignment fields (if associated assignments exist) to copy from the template to the new project. These fields are not shown on the Create Project from Template page. See also Assignment Field Sets. CreateProjFromTempAltCopyAssignmentField
Template Proj Alt Copy Location Fieldset The API name of a field set used by the Project Location object. Fields in this set define the project location fields (if associated locations exist) to copy from template to new project. These fields are not shown on the Create Project from Template page. See also Project Location Field Sets. CreateProjFromTempAltCopyProjLocFields
Template Proj Alt Copy Meth Fieldset The API name of a field set used by the Methodology object. Fields in this set define the methodology fields (if associated methodologies exist) to copy from the template to the new project. These fields are not shown on the Create Project from Template page. See also Project Methodology Field Sets. CreateProjFromTempAltCopyProjMethFields
Template Proj Alt Copy MS Fieldset The API name of a field set used by the Milestone object. Fields in this set define the milestone fields (if associated milestones exist) to copy from the template to the new project. These fields are not shown on the Create Project from Template page. See also Milestone Field Sets. CreateProjFromTempAltCopyMilestoneFields
Template Proj Alt Copy Phase Fieldset The API name of a field set used by the Project Phase object. Fields in this set define the project phase fields (if associated project phases exist) to copy from template to new project. These fields are not shown on the Create Project from Template page. See also Project Phase Field Sets. CreateProjFromTempAltCopyProjPhaseFields
Template Proj Alt Copy Project Fieldset The API name of a field set used by the Project object. Fields in this field set define additional project fields to copy from the template to the new project. These fields are not shown on the Create Project from Template page. See also Project Field Sets. CreateProjFromTempAltCopyProjectFields
Template Proj Alt Copy RR Fieldset The API name of a field set used by the Resource Request object. Fields in this set define the resource request fields (if associated requests exist) to copy from template to new project. These fields are not shown on the Create Project from Template page. See also Resource Request Field Sets. CreateProjFromTempAltCopyProjRRFields
Template Proj Alt Copy Task Fieldset The API name of a field set used by the Project Task object. Fields in this set define the project task fields (if associated tasks exist) to copy from the template to the new project. These fields are not shown on the Create Project from Template page. See also Project Task Field Sets and Project Task Assignment Field Sets. CreateProjFromTempAltCopyProjTaskFields
Template Proj Assignment Fieldset The API name of a field set used by the Assignment object. Fields in this field set define the editable fields in the Assignments section of the Create Project from Template page. See also Assignment Field Sets. CreateProjFromTemplateAssignmentColumns
Template Proj Copy PTA Fieldset The API name of a field set used by the Project Task Assignment object. Fields in this set define additional project task assignment fields to copy from the template to the new project. These fields are not shown on the Create Project from Template page. See also Field Sets on the Project Task Assignment Object.. CreateProjectFromTemplateCopyPTAFields
Template Proj Location Fieldset The API name of a field set used by the Project Location object. Fields in this field set define the editable fields in the Project Locations section of the Create Project from Template page. See also Project Location Field Sets. CreateProjFromTemplateLocationColumns
Template Proj Meth Fieldset The API name of a field set used by the Methodology object. Fields in this field set define the editable fields in the Methodologies section of the Create Project from Template page. See also Project Methodology Field Sets. CreateProjFromTemplateMethodologyColumns
Template Proj MS Fieldset API name of a field set used by the Milestone object. Fields in this field set define the editable fields in the Milestones section of the Create Project from Template page. See also Milestone Field Sets. CreateProjFromTemplateMilestoneColumns
Template Proj Phase Fieldset The API name of a field set used by the Project Phase object. Fields in this field set define editable fields in the Project Phases section of the Create Project from Template page. See also Project Phase Field Sets. CreateProjFromTemplatePhaseColumns
Template Proj RR Fieldset The API name of a field set used by the Resource Request object. Fields in this set define the columns in the Resource Request Mappings from Template on the Create Project from Template page. See also Resource Request Field Sets. CreateProjectFromTemplateRRColumns
Template Proj Task Fieldset The API name of a field set used by the Project Task object. Fields in this field set define the editable fields in the Project Tasks section of the Create Project from Template page. See also Project Task Field Sets and Project Task Assignment Field Sets. CreateProjFromTemplateTasksColumns

ASM Triggers for Projects

Use these settings in the ASM TriggersAutomated Services Manager Triggers. ASM triggers execute certain behavior in PSA. ASM triggers are controlled by the fields in the Triggers custom setting and the configuration options in the ASM configuration group. configuration groupA collection of configuration options contained in the configuration groups tab that defines behavior of a FinancialForce PSA object or feature. to control automatic population of the Approver field of a selected business record.

Field Description
AssignProjectManagerToBudgetApprover Indicates whether the budget approver is automatically set to the project manager.
AssignProjectManagerToExpenseReportApprover Indicates whether the expense report approver is automatically set to the project manager.
AssignProjectManagerToMilestoneApprover Indicates whether the milestone approver is automatically set to the project manager.
AssignProjectManagerToMiscellaneousAdjustmentApprover Indicates whether the miscellaneous adjustments approver is automatically set to the project manager.
AssignProjectManagerToTimecardApprover Indicates whether the timecard approver is automatically set to the project manager.

Related Concepts

Configuration Settings

Managing Configuration

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