Resource Request Settings

Resource Requests

You can control the behavior of the Create Resource Request and Generate Resource Requests from Project Task Assignments pages using the settings in the Resource Requests configuration groupA collection of configuration options contained in the configuration groups tab that defines behavior of a FinancialForce PSA object or feature..

O – Obsolete.
B – Affects bottom-up planning.

Setting Key Description

Default Value

allow-to-assign-a-resource-with-different-role B When creating an assignment or held resource request in Bottom-up planning and using 'By Resource' to split PTAs, determines that the resource defined on the PTA is assigned by the PTA role, irrespective of the contact role. False
B When generating task-driven resource requests, indicates whether the Resource lookup on source project task assignments is automatically updated to match the resource assigned on the resulting assignment. You must staff a resource request for this setting to take effect. False
auto-update-pta-with-held-resource B When generating task-driven resource requests, indicates whether the Resource lookup on source project task assignments is automatically updated to match the resource held on the resource request. You must have a held resource request for this setting to take effect. False
auto-update-rr-with-assigned-resource B If true and the assigned resource changes, the source resource request lookup is automatically updated to match the resource. False
copy-percent-allocated   Indicates whether the percent allocated value on a resource request is copied to the assignment when assigning a resource on the Assign Resource (single staffer) page and the Search Resources page.  
copy-planned-bill-rate   Indicates whether the resource's planned bill rate is to be copied to the Planned Bill Rate field on a resource request.  
copy-resource-role   Indicates whether the resource's role is to be copied to the Resource Role field on a resource request.  
copyRRMilestoneToAssignment   Indicates whether the trigger code that copies milestones from resource requests to assignments fires. This determines whether the milestone on a resource request is copied to the related assignment when it is created from the resource request.  
create-resource-request-with-no-opp-update-permission   Indicates whether a user without access to an opportunity can create a resource request from a project task assignment. When set to True, you can create a resource request from the Generate Resource Requests from Project Task Assignments page by clicking Preview Resource Request without having to select the Opportunity field on the resource request. The default value is false. False
B Indicates how project task assignments are handled when generating task-driven resource requests. If set to True, only project task assignments with all required information will be considered when generating resource requests. If set to False, missing required information will be treated as null and processed. The information required depends on the options that you choose to generate resource requests based on.
Note: Note
Even if set to True, this setting has no effect on additional or user-defined fields in the field set referenced by the pta_fieldset_to_split _resource_request setting.
create-rr-if-pta-not-having-resource-when-create-assignment B Determines how project task assignments without a resource are handled when assignments or held resource requests are created. If true, users are prompted to create resource requests for any project task assignments without a resource after creating assignments or held resource requests. False
custom-primary-skill-lookup   Indicates whether a customizable lookup is displayed when you click the Primary Skill / Certification lookup on a resource request. The columns that you can select for display are defined in the custom-primary-skill-lookup-columns configuration option.  
custom-primary-skill-lookup-columns   Contains a comma-delimited list of API field names to display on the customizable Primary Skill / Certification lookup.  
default_est_hours_on_task_RR_for_PTA B When generating task-driven resource requests, determines the default estimated hours that will be applied to a project task with a null value for estimated hours. If no value is defined, the process ignores project tasks without estimated hours.  
default-no-primary-skill   Indicates whether the Primary checkbox can be left unselected on the New Resource Skill Request pages when creating a resource request.  
default-request-priority   Default value in the Request Priority field on a resource request.  
default-resource-role B Default value in the Resource Role field on a resource request. When generating resource requests from project tasks, you can choose to apply the default value to resource requests where a value for resource role cannot be determined.  
default-role-on-rate-card-set   Sets the default resource role for rate cards that have not been associated with a rate card set on the Create Rate Card Set page. See Managing Rate Card Sets for more information.  
default-start-and-end-dates-from-project   Indicates whether PSA sets default start and end dates when creating a resource request in the context of a project. When you set this configuration option to true, the default start and end dates are also copied to resource requests that are created out of a project template.  
empty-resource-request-lines-to-create-on-mass-update   Determines the number of rows to add when a users clicks Create Resource Requests on the Mass Update Resource Requests page. See Mass Updating Resource Requests for more information.  
ensure-skill-requests-saved-with-resource-request   Indicates whether users are prevented from saving a parent resource request when they do not have permissions to create a resource skill request.  
group-required   Indicates whether the Group field on the Resource Request page is a required field.  
hide-bill-rate-column B Determines whether the Bill Rate column is hidden on the Generate Assignments from Project Task Assignments UI. Determines whether all Bill Rate fields including any sub and grand totals are hidden from the Unfilled Resource Requests UI. False
hide-cost-rate-column B Determines whether the Cost Rate column is hidden on the Generate Assignments from Project Task Assignments UI. Determines whether all Cost Rate fields including any sub and grand totals are hidden from the Unfilled Resource Requests UI. False
hide-hours-avg-cost-rate-column B Determines whether the Hours * Avg Cost Rate column including any sub and grand totals are hidden on Generate Resource Requests from Project Tasks, Generate Held Resource Requests from Project Tasks, and Unfilled Resource Requests UIs. False
hide-hours-suggested-bill-rate-column B Determines whether the Hours * Suggested Bill Rate column including any sub and grand totals are hidden on Generate Resource Requests from Project Tasks, Generate Held Resource Requests from Project Tasks, and Unfilled Resource Requests UIs. False
hide-overlap-pta-with-resource-role   Determines whether project task assignments that overlap with a resource request's or assignment's resource role are hidden. If true, overlapping project task assignments are hidden.  
hide-overlap-pta-with-start-and-end-date   Determines whether project task assignments that overlap with a resource request's or assignment's start and end dates are hidden. If true, overlapping project task assignments are hidden.  
ignore-pta-not-having-resource-when-create-assignment B Determines if a project task assignment can be created without a resource when creating assignments or held resource requests. If true, project task assignments without an assigned resource are ignored. False
mass-update-resource-request-fieldset-name   Defines the name of a field set containing resource request fields to display as columns in each row on the Mass Update Resource Requests page.  
notes-required   Indicates whether the Notes field on the Resource Request page is a required field.  
percent-allocated-required   Indicates whether the Percent Allocated field on the Resource Request page is a required field.  
planned-bill-rate-required   Indicates whether the Planned Bill Rate field on the Resource Request page is a required field.  
practice-required   Indicates whether the Practice field on the Resource Request page is a required field.  
precedence-for-rate-cards   Contains a comma separated list indicating the precedence of rate cards when there is more than one matching rate card.  
to_split _resource_request
B Determines additional attributes by which to split task-generated resource requests and assignments. Enter the API name of a field set (on the project task assignment object) containing either project task assignment or project task fields, including user-defined fields. The fields in the referenced field set will be available to select on the Generate Resource Requests from Project Task Assignments, Generate Held Resource Requests from Project Task Assignments, and Generate Assignments from Project Task Assignments pages.
Note: Note
The fields in the referenced field set are not affected by the create_RR_only_where_all_info_available_on_PTA setting.
region-required   Indicates whether the Name field on the Resource Request page is a required field.  
requested-bill-rate-required   Indicates whether the Requested Bill Rate field on the Resource Request page is a required field.  
Resource-search-default-logic   Indicates whether you can use OR logic in a skill-based search on the Search Resources page.  
rr-name-required   Indicates whether the Name field on a resource request is a required field.  
rrset-cancellation-status   Status to set on other resource requests when a resource request belonging to the same resource request set is staffed.  
show-planned-bill-rate O This setting is now obsolete.  
show-status O This setting is now obsolete.  
suggested-resource-required   Indicates whether the Suggested Resource field on the Resource Request page is a required field.  
use-highest-bill-rate-cost-rate-margin   When set to True, rate cards will use the highest margin between the suggested bill rate and the average cost rate. If this setting is not selected, rate cards will use the highest bill rate. False
use-resource-request-sets   Indicates whether PSA uses resource request sets. This controls whether triggers used in the resource request set functionality are executed.  

Unassigned Resources Only

The match partial assignment overlap setting in the Resource Single Staffer configuration groupA collection of configuration options contained in the configuration groups tab that defines behavior of a FinancialForce PSA object or feature. indicates whether resources that are assigned to other projects during some of the time between the start and end dates of a search are excluded from the results of the search.

Cost Rate on Resource Request Search

You can hide the cost rate on the Resource Request search (Single Staffer) page from users using Field Level Security.

Advanced Search Filters

You can control the whether advanced search filters are enabled on the Assign Resource section of the Resource Request page using these settings in the Resource Single Staffer configuration groupA collection of configuration options contained in the configuration groups tab that defines behavior of a FinancialForce PSA object or feature..

Field Description

Default Value

assign-using-existing-schedule If true, when you click the Assign link next to the resource, the resource is assigned using the existing schedule (if any) associated with the resource request. When a schedule doesn’t exist on the resource request, a schedule is created based on the chosen or default scheduling strategy and parameters. False
Default My Resources Only Indicates whether the Default My Resources Only checkbox on the Assign Resource section of a Resource Request is initially selected.  
hold-using-existing-schedule If true, when you click the Hold link next to the resource, the resource is held using the existing schedule (if any) associated with the resource request. When a schedule doesn’t exist on the resource request, a schedule is created based on the chosen or default scheduling strategy and parameters. False
Default Unassigned Resources Only Indicates whether the Unassigned Resources Only checkbox on the Assign Resource section of a Resource Request is initially selected.  
DefaultCostRateVisible Indicates whether the Default Cost Rate column is available on the Assign Resource section of the Resource Request page.  
default-groups-filter-search-values List of groups on the Assign Resource section of the Resource Request Detail page to be selected by default when the page loads.  
default-practices-filter-search-values List of practices on the Assign Resource section of the Resource Request Detail page to be selected by default when the page loads.  
default-regions-filter-search-values List of regions on the Assign Resource section of the Resource Request Detail page to be selected by default when the page loads.  
default-role-filter-search-value List of Resource Roles to be selected by default on the Assign Resource section of the Resource Request Detail page when the page loads.  
default-skills-filter-search-values List of skills on the Assign Resource section of the Resource Request Detail page to be selected by default when the page loads.  
GroupFilterEnabled Indicates whether the group filter is available on the Assign Resource section of the Resource Request page.  
match-partial-assignment-overlap When set to true, indicates that a resource is considered unassigned when existing assignments partially overlap the start or end date. Note if this setting is set to true, assignments that partially overlap the start or end date are not included in the number of assignments count. False
MaxAssignmentResults Maximum number of assignments counted for each resource in a search.  
MaxResourceRequestResults Maximum number of resource requests counted for each resource in a search.  
MaxResourceSearchResults Maximum number of resource records to be returned when searching for resources in the Assign Resource section of the Resource Request Detail page. You can set the value higher, however a maximum of 90 resources can be shown.  
Note: Note
Setting this value higher than 90 can result in errors if the number of records to be processed exceeds platform limit.
MaxSkillResults Maximum number of skills to display in detail (expanded) view of resource, ordered by rating in descending order.  
PracticeFilterEnabled Indicates whether the practice filter is available on the Assign Resource section of the Resource Request page.  
RegionFilterEnabled Indicates whether the region filter is available on the Assign Resource section of the Resource Request page.  
ShowPlannedBillRate Indicates whether the Planned Bill field is displayed.  
UnitType The organizational hierarchy to use when viewing resources on the Assign Resource page.  

Related Concepts

Configuration Settings

Managing Configuration

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