Mass Updating Resource Requests

PSA enables you to create, update and delete multiple resource requests simultaneously when working with projects and opportunities.

Creating Multiple Resource Requests

  1. On the applicable project or opportunity, from the Resource Requests related list, click Mass Update Resource Requests. The name of the project or opportunity is displayed.
  2. Click Create Resource Requests. PSA adds new rows for the resource requests you want to create.
  3. Tip: Tip
    You can control the number of rows added using the empty-resource-request-lines-to-create-on-mass-update setting. See Resource Request Settings for more information.
  4. In the Resource Requests Details area, for the resource requests you want to create, enter the resource request information. See Resource Request Fields for more information.
    Tip: Tip
    You can control the fields shown here using the mass-update-resource-request-fieldset-name field set. See Resource Request Settings for more information.
  5. Click Save Updated Resource Requests. PSA confirms that the resource requests have been created and saved.
  6. Click Back to Mass Update Resource Requests, Back to Project or Back to Opportunity to continue.

Updating Multiple Resource Requests

Note: Notes
You can only mass update resource requests which have not been assigned or held.
  1. On the applicable project or opportunity, from the Resource Requests related list, click Mass Update Resource Requests. The name of the project or opportunity is displayed.
  2. In the Quick Update Resource Requests area, enter the information you want to update. See Resource Request Fields for more information. To update Assign Skills and Certifications, see Mass Assigning Skills and Certifications to Resource Requests for more information.
Tip: Tip
You can control the fields shown here using the mass-update-resource-request-fieldset-name field set. See Resource Request Settings for more information.
  1. In the Resource Requests Details area, select the resource requests you want to update and click Quick Update Selected Resource Requests. PSA updates the selected resource requests and displays them.
  2. Review the resource requests and make any changes required.
  3. Click Save Updated Resource Requests. PSA confirms that the resource requests have been updated.
  4. Click Back to Mass Update Resource Requests, Back to Project or Back to Opportunity to continue.

Updating Resource Requests Inline

  1. On the applicable project or opportunity, from the Resource Requests related list, click Mass Update Resource Requests. The name of the project or opportunity is displayed.
  2. In the Resource Requests Details area, for the resource requests you want to update, select them and enter the new information. See Resource Request Fields for more information.
    Tip: Tip
    You can control the fields shown here using the mass-update-resource-request-fieldset-name field set. See Resource Request Settings for more information.
  3. Click Save Updated Resource Requests. PSA confirms that the resource requests have been updated.
  4. Click Back to Mass Update Resource Requests, Back to Project or Back to Opportunity to continue.

Mass Assigning Skills and Certifications to Resource Requests

  1. On the applicable project or opportunity, from the Resource Requests related list, click Mass Update Resource Requests.
  2. In the Resource Requests Details area, select Assign Skills and Certifications.
  3. Add the required skills and certifications. See Skills Management for more information.
  4. Click Add more to include further skills and certifications records, or Remove to delete them.
  5. Click Done.
  6. In the Resource Requests Details area, select the resource requests you want to update and click Quick Update Selected Resource Requests. PSA updates the selected resource requests and displays them.
  7. Review the resource requests and make any changes required.
  8. Click Save Updated Resource Requests. PSA confirms that the resource requests have been updated.
  9. Click Back to Mass Update Resource Requests, Back to Project or Back to Opportunity to continue.

Rescheduling Resource Requests

You can conveniently recalculate schedules for related resource requests on a project when project tasks or project task assignments have been updated. However, schedules exceeding 24 hours in a day will not be updated or rescheduled. See auto-recalculate-schedule-for-held-resource-requests and Eligible for Schedule Recalculation for more information about controlling this feature.

To Reschedule Resource Requests:

On the project's Resource Request related list, click Reschedule Resource Requests.

Note: Note
Your administrator can batch submit or schedule the recalculation of all rescheduled resource requests. See PSA Administration.

Deleting Resource Requests

  1. On the applicable project or opportunity, from the Resource Requests related list, click Mass Update Resource Requests. The name of the project or opportunity is displayed.
  2. In the Resource Requests Details area, select the resource requests you want to delete.
  3. Click Delete Resource Requests. PSA deletes the resource requests.
  4. Click Back to Project or Back to Opportunity to continue.

Related Concepts

Resource Requests


Copy Resource Requests from Project Templates Fields

Resource Request Fields

Search Resources Fields

Request Resources Fields

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