Staffer Settings

You can control the PSA behavior of the Staffer using the settings in the Resource Staffer configuration groupA collection of configuration options contained in the configuration groups tab that defines behavior of a FinancialForce PSA object or feature..

Field Description
contact search field mapping Controls the contact fields that are searchable in the staffer on the search popup. Add a value for each field that you want to be searchable. The default values are:
  • pse__External_Resource__c=CheckboxPlugin
  • pse__Group__c=RPGPlugin
  • pse__Practice__c=RPGPlugin
  • pse__Region__c=RPGPlugin
  • pse__Resource_Role__c=MultiPicklistPlugin
  • pse__Skill__c=SkillPlugin
  • pse__Work_Calendar__c=LookupPlugin
DefaultSchedulingStrategy Default scheduling strategy for the Schedule Strategy field on the Assign Resource to Project page and the Assign Resource section of the Resource Request page. The default value is "Calculate End Date Level Schedule":
  • Calculate End Date, Level Schedule
  • Calculate End Date, Ignore Availability
  • Adjust Hours Per Day
  • Custom
  • Percent Allocation.
Resource Grid Fields Controls the columns on the resource staffer. Create a custom formula field and add the API name for the formula field as the value. Only formula fields are valid as a value.
You can append additional values with a colon and the value after the colon becomes the title for that column. For instance, with the value pse__External_Resource__c:External Resource, "External Resource" becomes the title on the grid for the External Resource column.
Resource Request Search Field Mapping Controls the resource request fields that are searchable in the Staffer on the search popup. Add a value for each field that you want to be searchable. The default values are: 
  • pse__Account__c=AccountPlugin
  • pse__Opportunity__c=LookupPlugin
  • pse__Project__c=LookupPlugin
  • pse__Region__c=RPGPlugin
  • pse__Practice__c=RPGPlugin
  • pse__Group__c=RPGPlugin
  • pse__Resource_Role__c=MultiPicklistPlugin
  • pse__Primary_Skill_Certification__c=LookupPlugin
  • pse__Status__c=PicklistPlugin
Resource Sort Fields Specifies the order of the columns on the resource pane.
Skill Rating Picklist Controls the options that appear on the skill ratings drop-down list.The default values are:
  • None
  • 1 - Limited Exposure
  • 2 - Some Familiarity
  • 3 - Comfortable
  • 4 - Strong
  • 5 – Expert
use-task-based-schedule-creation-strategy When true, the Task Based Schedule Creation strategy is used when creating task-driven resource requests and assignments. When task-driven assignments or held resource requests are created, the combined total task hours are split evenly across the available working days of a resource's calendar based on the task's start and end date. If false, the Adjust End Date strategy is used. The default value is false.
See Use Task Based Schedule Creation Strategy Setting for a Bottom-Up Planning example of using this setting.

Related Concepts

Configuration Settings

Managing Configuration

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