Team Schedule Template Fields

Here is a description of the fields that make up a team schedule template record.

Key: * – Mandatory field.

Field   Description
Currency * The currency associated with the team.
Date Last Used   The date the team schedule template was last used for a team schedule.
Is Default   If selected, the schedule template is the default for the team.
Team   The team associated with the template.
Team Schedule Template Name * The name of the team schedule template.

Related Concepts

Shift Management

About the Team Schedule Planner

About Team Management

Configuring Shift Management

About Team Permission Controls

About Teams

Viewing Team Schedule Assignments in Planners

Related Tasks

Changing a Team Schedule

Creating a Team Schedule

Staffing a Team Schedule

Managing Teams

Managing Team Schedule Time Slot Types

Managing Team Schedule Templates

Sending Team Schedule Notifications


Edit Custom Schedule Fields

Edit Template Fields

Team Fields

Team Membership Fields

Team Schedule Fields

Team Schedule Planner Fields

Team Schedule Planner Buttons and Indicators

Team Schedule Slot Fields

Team Schedule Template Slot Fields

Team Schedule Slot Type Fields

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