Capture Configuration Fields

Here is a description of the Capture Configuration tab fields.

R – Read-only.
* – Mandatory field.

Create Version Capture Configuration Fields

Field Description
Name A unique name for the version configuration.
Active Set a version configuration as active to make it the default when capturing project versions and baselines.
Summary Include a description about the version configuration.
ModifiedRThe date when the version configuration was created or last modified.

Configure Version Capture Configuration Object Fields



Destination Name The name of the destination version object to map to from the original source version object. Populated with all the objects in the org which have a Master-Detail relationship to version. For more information, see Versioning Custom Objects.
Destination Version Lookup Field The field on the destination object, for example, Version, which looks up to the project version from a child object.
Objects A list of available objects in the org that you can include in the configuration for versioning. Any object you want to include for versioning must have a look up to the Project object. Objects are mapped from an original source in the Originator Name field to a target version in the Destination Name field.
Original Id Field*The field on the destination version object that stores the primary ID of the original source object. This field is used to maintain a link and mapping between the original source object and the destination version object. For more information see Adding a New Original Id Field.
Note: When the value is changed in the Original Id Field, a record is automatically created or changed in the field list to capture the Record ID on the newly selected destination field. Any existing records where the destination field is the same as the selected destination are removed.
Source Object NameRThe read-only name of the currently selected original source version object against the project.
Source Project Lookup Field The field on the originating object for example, Project, or Master Project, which looks up to the project from a child object.


Add ConfigCreates a new capture config record.
ConfigureEnables originating and destination objects and fields to be mapped for the selected capture configuration.
DeleteRemoves the selected object or field from the config.
Delete SelectedDeletes the selected capture configuration(s)
ValidateValidates the selected capture configuration

Configure Version Capture Configuration Fields



Fields A list of available fields on the selected version object that can be added to the version configuration. Fields are mapped from an original source in the Originator Field Name field to a target version in the Destination Field Name field.
Destination Field Name The name of the corresponding destination version object field to map to.
Source Field Name The name of the currently selected originating source object field to map from.

Validation Results Popup Fields

LocationMessage DescriptionExample
Version ConfigThere is an issue with the version config. For instance, the minimum required data is not contained in the version configuration.The project object is missing and the version config is invalid.
ObjectThere is an issue at object level. Any fields included with the objects also fail validation.Originator or Destination object is not a valid object.
FieldThere is an issue with a field in the version config.The version config could not capture the Original Id Field.

Configure Headline Card Fields




Action  Actions apply formulas to aggregate the data captured for a particular field. Most actions only support numeric data types. See Average, Count, Minimum, Maximum, and Sum.
Average The average action value to apply to the selected field based on the amount of records returned for conversion to a numeric field type. For example, the average number of risks on a project.
Clear Reset the following and check the Use Field Label field:
  • Top Level Detail
  • Sub Detail 1
  • Sub Detail 2

If you clear the settings in top level detail or a sub detail row, and you do not enter any new details, the primary or secondary headline is not displayed when you view headline cards when comparing versions.

Count The count action to apply to the selected field. For example, the total number of risks on a project. Count can also be used to calculate the quantity of field values available for all field types.
Field A list of fields captured on an object and available for selection. For example, Budget.Amount displays as Amount.
Label Defines the names for the following custom labels of the headline card:
  • Top Level Detail
  • Sub Detail 1
  • Sub Detail 2
Note: When no values are entered, labels display as blank.
Maximum  The maximum action value to apply to the selected field. value available that has been captured for a field. Strings are alphabetically sorted.
Minimum The minimum action value to capture for the selected field. For example, the minimum budget amount on a project. Strings are alphabetically sorted.
Sub Detail 1RThe label for first secondary headline in the card.
Sub Detail 2RThe label for the secondary headline in the card.
Sum The sum action to add up all values for the selected field. For example, the total cost rate added up for all assignments on a project.
Top Level DetailRThe label for the primary headline in the card.
Use Field Label 

The label defined for the following captured Version fields:

  • Top Level Detail
  • Sub Detail 1
  • Sub Detail 2