Creating Resource Requests


You can also create assignments and resource requests from Gantt. See Creating Assignments and Resource Requests from Gantt.

To create resource requests:

  1. Do one of the following depending on configuration:
    • Click New or Request Project Resources on the Resource Requests related list of the project that you require resources.
    • Click New or Request Resources on the Resource Requests related list in an opportunity.
  2. Complete the fields described in Resource Request Fields.
  3. [Optional] Do one of the following:
    • Add Skills or Certifications by applying a Skill Set or add skills individually. Select a Skill Set and click Apply Skill Set. Select a Skill or Certification and, if required, a Rating. To add more Skills or Certifications, click Add Skill.
    • If you are creating resource requests using the New button, add skills via resource skill requests. For more information, see Creating Resource Skill Requests on Resource Requests.
  4. Click Add.
  5. Click Save.

Searching for Resources

You can search for resources to assign to the resource requestClosedA means of asking for resources for a project or an opportunity. using several filters in the Assign Resource section of the Resource Request Detail page. The filters that appear depend on the configuration options that your administrator has set.

To search for resources:

  1. Scroll to the Assign Resource section of the Resource Request detail page for the resource request to which you want to assign resources.
  2. Select the search criteria you want as described in Assign Resource.
  3. Click Update.
    Tip: Tip
    On the Region, Practice, or Group lists, the values are listed in alphabetic order by name, not by hierarchy.
    Each filter operates as an OR statement. For instance, if you select region A and region B, the resources in both regions are shown. Similarly, if you select regions A and B and groups C and D, resources from regions A and B and groups C and D are shown.
    If no resources are shown you can try widening the search, by selecting --None-- for some or all of the criteria and clearing the checkboxes.