ffrr.TemplateMappingServiceglobal with sharing class TemplateMappingService provides a stateless method to populate templates on records from a trigger context. MethodspopulateTemplateglobal static void populateTemplate(List<SObject> records) Populates the templates associated to the source records as configured in the Template Mapping (ffrr__TemplateMapping__c) records. This can only be used from a trigger context and will only populate the template when the records are inserted Input Parameters
Sample Code//Note: This sample code is for demonstration purposes only. It is not intended for //use in a production environment, is not guaranteed against defects or errors, and //is in no way optimized or streamlined. // This example assumes the setup for settings and templates has been carried out for this example. // In this example this is the TimeCard__c object. // Assuming there are three templates ('Deliverable','Equal Split', '% Complete') List<ffrr__Template__c> templates = [SELECT ID FROM ffrr__Template__c WHERE ffrr__RevRecType__c IN ('Deliverable','Equal Split', '% Complete') AND ffrr__Settings__r.ffrr__Object__c = 'TimeCard__c' ORDER BY ffrr__RevRecType__c]; //These template mapping records can also be created via the salesforce UI // Assigns the Deliverable template to any timecard records where the 'RecognitionMethod__c' field is equal to 'Deliverable' ffrr__TemplateMapping__c deliverableTemplateMapping = new ffrr__TemplateMapping__c(); deliverableTemplateMapping.ffrr__ObjectName__c = 'TimeCard__c'; deliverableTemplateMapping.ffrr__Template__c = templates[0].Id; deliverableTemplateMapping.ffrr__CriteriaField__c = 'RecognitionMethod__c'; deliverableTemplateMapping.ffrr__CriteriaField__c = 'Deliverable'; // Assigns the Equal Split template to any timecard records where the 'RecognitionMethod__c' field is equal to 'Equal Split' ffrr__TemplateMapping__c equalSplitTemplateMapping = new ffrr__TemplateMapping__c(); equalSplitTemplateMapping.ffrr__ObjectName__c = 'TimeCard__c'; equalSplitTemplateMapping.ffrr__Template__c = templates[1].Id; equalSplitTemplateMapping.ffrr__CriteriaField__c = 'RecognitionMethod__c'; equalSplitTemplateMapping.ffrr__CriteriaField__c = 'Equal Split'; // Assigns the % Complete template to any timecard records that do not match to any of the other template mapping records ffrr__TemplateMapping__c defaultTemplateMapping = new ffrr__TemplateMapping__c(); defaultTemplateMapping.ffrr__ObjectName__c = 'TimeCard__c'; defaultTemplateMapping.ffrr__Template__c = templates[2].Id; defaultTemplateMapping.ffrr__CriteriaField__c = ''; defaultTemplateMapping.ffrr__CriteriaField__c = ''; // Create the below trigger replacing TimeCard__c with the object that templates are to be populated for. // Alternatively add the trigger body to an existing trigger for the given object. trigger PopulateTemplate on TimeCard__c (before insert) { ffrr.TemplateMappingService.populateTemplate(Trigger.new); } |