fferpcore.LookupSubscriptionMappingglobal with sharing class LookupSubscriptionMapping implements SubscriptionMapping A subscription mapping that populates the specified target field with data from a record on a related object, typically its ID. This class implements the following interfaces: Methods
LookupSubscriptionMappingglobal LookupSubscriptionMapping(String targetKey, List<List<String>> messageKeys) Construct a lookup subscription mapping. Input Parameters
withLookupObjectglobal fferpcore.LookupSubscriptionMapping withLookupObject(SObjectType lookupObject) Specify the SObjectType containing the record to be located. Useful when using a target field that is not a lookup field. Input Parameters
Return ValueThe instance of the LookupSubscriptionMapping to enable fluent invocations. withQueryFieldsglobal fferpcore.LookupSubscriptionMapping withQueryFields(List<SObjectField> queryFields) Specify the fields on the lookup object to use to locate the record. By default, this is only the name field. Input Parameters
Return ValueThe instance of the LookupSubscriptionMapping to enable fluent invocations. withResultFieldglobal fferpcore.LookupSubscriptionMapping withResultField(SObjectField resultField) Specify the field on the located record that populates the target field. By default, this is the record ID. Input Parameters
Return ValueThe instance of the LookupSubscriptionMapping to enable fluent invocations. prepareglobal void prepare(fferpcore.DataTarget dt) performImmediateActionsglobal void performImmediateActions(fferpcore.ApplyMappingRequest2 request) performBulkActionsglobal void performBulkActions() disableOutputToglobal void disableOutputTo(Set<String> output) isDisabledglobal Boolean isDisabled() getTargetFieldsglobal Set<String> getTargetFields() getMessageKeysglobal List<List<String>> getMessageKeys() isDeclarativeglobal Boolean isDeclarative() setDeclarativeglobal void setDeclarative(Boolean value) getChildrenglobal List<fferpcore.SubscriptionMapping> getChildren() canHaveChildrenglobal Boolean canHaveChildren() getTransformTableIdglobal String getTransformTableId() |