fferpcore.TriggerDataSourceglobal with sharing class TriggerDataSource extends DataSource This fferpcore.DataSource is for use in triggers and is invoked with the list of fully populated records from the trigger. The runQuery() method returns an iterator that steps through all records passed in from the trigger. Consequently it does not provide an implementation of the requireField method. This class extends fferpcore.DataSource Methods
TriggerDataSourceglobal TriggerDataSource(List<SObject> records) Input Parameters
Sample Code
requireLookupFieldglobal override fferpcore.DataSource requireLookupField(SObjectField field) Ask that this data source query the given lookup. This method will be called by the Declarative Publish framework or by custom message Nodes during the preparation phase of declarative message building. Input Parameters
Return ValueA DataSource representing the target of the look up. requireOneToManyFieldglobal virtual override fferpcore.DataSource requireOneToManyField(BackReference backReference) Implementation of DataSource.requireOneToManyField(). Input Parameters
Return ValueA DataSource representing the target of the lookup. runQueryglobal override Iterator<fferpcore.DataSource.Row> runQuery() Implementation of DataSource.runQuery(). Return ValueAn iterator of fferpcore.DataSource.Row objects containing the required data. |