Foundations Apex API Developer Reference


global abstract class FeatureConsoleInfoBase

Extend this class to provide additional information to the Feature Console. You must name the new class FeatureConsoleInfo.



global abstract String getPackageName()

Return Value

The application name that you want to display for all features defined in your package.


global virtual List<SObjectType> getAllObjects()

Return Value

The objects that belong to the package.
Typically these are all the objects with the package namespace.


global virtual List<SObjectType> getRecommendedAnalysisMappingObjects()

Return Value

The objects that are likely to be referenced in analysis mapping entries.


global static List<SObjectType> getObjectTypesForNamespace(String namespace)

Get all objects with a given namespace.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
namespace String A package namespace such as fferpcore.

Return Value

All the objects with the specified namespace.

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