Foundations Apex API Developer Reference


global abstract class SubscriptionDescriber

A fferpcore.SubscriptionDescriber structure.



global virtual fferpcore.SubscriptionDescription describe()

This method returns a fferpcore.SubscriptionDescription which contains information about which SObject type the subscribing product is to update, and mappings stating how the fields on that SObject type relate to the keys in the message.

Return Value

His service returns an SubscriptionDescription object.

Sample Code

//Note: This sample code is for demonstration purposes only. It is not intended for
//use in a production environment, is not guaranteed against defects or errors, and
//is in no way optimized or streamlined.

public class ConcreteDescriber extends fferpcore.SubscriptionDescriber
    private static final SObjectType SOBJECT_TYPE = ExampleSObject__c.SObjectType;

    public override fferpcore.SubscriptionDescription describe()
        return new fferpcore.SubscriptionDescription(SOBJECT_TYPE, getStaticMappings());
    private List<fferpcore.SubscriptionDescription.Mapping> getStaticMappings()
        return new List<fferpcore.SubscriptionDescription.Mapping>
            new fferpcore.SubscriptionDescription.FieldMapping(ExampleSObject__c.Name, 'Name'),
            new fferpcore.SubscriptionDescription.FieldMapping(ExampleSObject__c.Address1__c, new List<String>{'Address', 'Line 1'}),
            new fferpcore.SubscriptionDescription.FieldMapping(ExampleSObject__c.Address2__c, new List<String>{'Address', 'Line 2'}),
            new fferpcore.SubscriptionDescription.LinkingFieldMapping(SOBJECT_TYPE, 'Link Control Field')
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