About As of Aging

You can use As of Aging to show the age of outstanding transaction line items at a specific date on or before the current date, which is useful for preparing aging reports. You can use the report information to calculate the amounts outstanding from debtors, or owing to creditors.

Running the As of Aging process updates the following fields on transaction line items:

Field Description
As of Name The most recent As of Aging process run for the company to which the transaction line item belongs (references are in the format AOA0000000).
As of Date The date chosen to age transaction line items against during the most recent As of Aging process.
As of Age The number of days that the transaction line item is overdue according to the most recent As of Aging process.
As of Home Value The outstanding value of the transaction line item at the As of Date, in the company's home currency.
As of Dual Value The outstanding value of the transaction line item at the As of Date, in the company's dual currency.
Note: Note
Although the Aged Analysis Definitions and Aged Analysis Reports tabs are still available, As of Aging provides more functionality (such as the option to age by transaction date rather than due date). Your System Administrator can disable user access to the Aged Analysis tabs if you decide to standardize on using As of Aging instead.

Running an As of Aging Report

You must wait for the As of Aging process to complete successfully before running an As of Aging report.

Transactions are grouped into age bands by the outstanding number of days between the "as of" date and the due date. If you prefer, you can group transactions by the difference between the "as of" date and the transaction date. This is controlled by a custom setting. There are also custom settings for controlling the age bands. See As of Aging Report Settings for more information.

Note: Note
Reports always run for the most recent As of Aging process.