As of Aging Fields

Here is a description of the fields that make up, and are affected by, an As of Aging record.

Transaction line items

Running the As of Aging process populates the following fields on transaction line items. Your administrator may need to add these fields to your transaction line item page layout.

Field Description
As of Age The number of days that the transaction line item is overdue according to the most recent As of Aging process.
As of Age Band The age band to which the transaction line item was added by the most recent As of Aging process.
As of Date The date used to age the transaction line against by the most recent As of Aging process.
As of Dual Value The outstanding value of the transaction line item at the "as of" date, expressed in the dual currency.
As of Home Value The outstanding value of the transaction line item at the "as of" date, expressed in the home currency.
As of Name The most recent As of Aging process run for the company to which the transaction line item belongs (references are in the format AOA0000000).

New As of Aging Process

Key: * – Mandatory field

Field Description
As of Date * Date used to overwrite any existing data in the relevant fields—As of Name, As of Date, As of Home Value and As of Dual Value—on the transaction line items that belong to the current company.

As of Aging fields

Running the As of Aging process creates a custom object, prefixed with AOA, containing the following fields:

As of Aging Detail

Key: R – Read-only in all contexts; * – Mandatory field

Field Description
As of Aging Reference R The name of the As of Aging custom object, prefixed by AOA; for example, AOA123456.
As of Date Date used to age outstanding transactions by the As of Aging process.
Process Status Indicates the current phase of the As of Aging process: Processing, Complete, or Error. If the process completed with errors, an error log will be available from the As of Aging Process Logs related list.

Refresh your browser to ensure the process status is up to date.
Owner Company Company for which the As of Aging process was run.
Owner R Name of the corresponding queue for the company for which the As of Aging process was run.
Process Completed Indicates the date and time that the As of Aging process completed, either successfully or with errors.
Process Started Indicates the date and time that the As of Aging process was started by the user.

Job Status

Here is a description of the fields that show the status of the batch Apex job for the As of Aging process.

Field Description
Progress Info Graphical bar displaying the progress of the batch Apex job.
Apex Job Id Unique identifier for the Apex job for the current batch Apex job.
Created By The user who ran the As of Aging process.
Batch Process Unique identifier for the batch Apex job. This is a lookup to the Batch process record. The record is deleted automatically when the process completes successfully without errors.
Batch Process Status Status of the batch Apex job: Processing, Failed, or Aborted. Blank when the process completes successfully without errors.
Last Modified By The user who last edited the batch Apex job.

As of Aging Process Logs

Field Description
As of Aging Process Log Name Click the link to view the log.


The following buttons may display. The availability or validity of these buttons varies according to many factors, including org configuration.

New As of Aging Process

Button Description
Start Process Runs the As of Aging process for the selected As of Date.

As of Aging Detail

Button Description
Abort Job Abandons the current As of Aging process if it is still running.
Delete Deletes the As of Aging custom object.