Running the As of Aging Process

You can run the As of Aging process for a date in the past or the current date. Running the As of Aging process always overwrites any existing data in the following fields on the transaction line items that belong to the current company: As of Name, As of Date, As of Home Value, and As of Dual Value.

To run As of Aging:

  1. Make sure you are in single-company modeClosedState in which the current user has only one current company selected. Data entry is enabled. and that the current company is the one you want to run As of Aging for.
  2. Click the As of Aging tab to display the As of Aging home page.
  3. Click New next to Recent As of Aging, or choose a list view and click New As of Aging.
  4. Specify a date on which to base the age calculation for the As of Aging process. You can enter a future date if you wish to forecast future income.
  5. Click Start Process.

The new As of Aging object is displayed, showing object details and the progress of the batch Apex job. When the job completes successfully, the Progress Info bar displays "Completed 100%". You will also be notified by email, Chatter post, or a Salesforce task depending on which notification methods have been enabled by the System Administrator.

Note: If paid invoices are included in the As of Aging report it might be because they have not been cash matched, or their matching date was later than the As of Date used for the As of Aging process.

Reviewing Errors

If the As of Aging process fails, the Process Status and Batch Process Status fields display "Error" and "Failed" respectively. In addition, the Progress Info bar displays "Completed" and the percentage complete.

Review the errors in the As of Aging Process Logs related list, or click the Batch Process link to view details of the batch job. On the Batch Process page you can click Run to restart a batch process that has not completed successfully. When the As of Aging process completes successfully, the related Batch Process record is deleted and therefore is not available for viewing.

Aborting a Job

You can abort an As of Aging process before it has completed by clicking Abort Job on the As of Aging object. You will be asked to confirm the action before the job is aborted. To restart the job, click the Batch Process link to view details of the batch job, then click Run. A new batch process record is created, and the old one deleted.