Balance Update Fields

Here is a description of the interface elements on the Balance Update page.

This page responds to which type of balance is automatically updated when transactions are created. See Types of Balance Record for more information about the two balance modes and how to switch between them.

Once you have made your choice on the Balance Configuration page, you will only see relevant options on the Balance Update page. Here, for brevity, we have named the two live balance type modes as follows:

Mode 1 - You want any Salesforce reports that use budgets and balances to use live data, and have selected the Budgets and Balances option.

Mode 2 - You want your Action Views and FinancialForce Reporting reports to use live data, and have selected Reporting Balances option.

Remember, if you want to maintain secondary (non-live) balances, you must keep them synchronized, either manually or by scheduled batch job.

It is essential to know which mode is enabled in your organization. If in doubt, contact your administrator.


This is the section that you use to synchronize your secondary (non-live) balance data with your live data balances. See About Balance Update for a full description of the terms full synchronization and incremental synchronization.

Button Mode  
Incremental Synchronization 1 To perform an incremental synchronization of your reporting balances.
2 To perform an incremental synchronization of your budgets and balances.
Full Synchronization 1 To perform a full synchronization of your reporting balances.
2 To perform a full synchronization of your budgets and balances.

Rebuild Balances

This is the section that you use to rebuild your live data balances. See About Balance Update for a discussion of when you should do this.

Key:  * – Mandatory field; R – Read-only in all contexts

Field   Description
Company R The company that is your current companyClosedThe company in which you are working. This is represented by the company queue to which you, and new instances of objects you create, are assigned.. You cannot run this process in multi-company mode.
From/To Period * Range of trading periodsClosedAccounting periods during which trading takes place, always corresponding to a range of dates. Opening, adjustment, and closing periods are not trading periods. that you want to process. All periods must be within the selected financial year.
Intersects * Choice between rebuilding balances for All Intersects or for a Specific Intersect. If no intersect definitions are found, the selection list shows "None". In this instance, create a suitable intersect definition before trying again.
Year * Financial year that you want to process.


Button Description
Rebuild Balances Updates the actual live data balances for the selected range of accounting periods in the selected year.

Update Balances for Merged Accounts

This is the section that you use to update balances after an account merge.

Key:  * – Mandatory field

Field   Description
Master Account * The master account involved in a recent account merge for which you want to update balances.


Button Description
Update Balances Updates the actual period balances for the selected master account.