Assigning Custom Input Forms to Companies

When you create, edit, or view a document using a custom input form, the company you are in determines which version of the form you see. For example, imagine that your org contains the following companies:

You might want to create three different custom input forms for entering sales invoice documents, so that each company has a custom input form specific to its tax calculation method. You would want to assign the SUT custom input form to Hecate USA, the VAT custom input form to Hecate UK, and the Combined custom input form to Hecate Canada. Users creating sales invoices in the different companies will then only need to complete fields that are relevant to their current company.

To assign a custom input form to companies:

  1. Click the Input Form Manager tab.
  2. Select the form that you want to assign. The Assignments panel appears on the right.
  3. If the form is already active, click Deactivate.
  4. To assign the form to one or more specific companies, click Select From List then choose the specific companies from the drop-down list. Alternatively if you want to assign the same form to all the companies in the org, click All.
  5. Now click Activate to activate the form in the companies it has been assigned to.

The custom input form should then take effect for the appropriate document type in the companies it is assigned to. If it does not take effect, check that your system administrator has overridden the NewEdit, and View buttons on the custom object for the document type to use custom forms. See Setting up Custom Input Forms for details.

Note: Note Notepad
A company can be assigned any two of the three form types (Input, View, Input & View) for a particular document type, but not all three. A specific Input or View form takes precedence over an Input & View form for the same document type when assigned to the same company.