Input Form Manager Fields

Here is a description of the interface elements on the Input Form Manager list view and edit pages.


Key: L – List view only; E - Edit page only

Element   Description
New L Allows you to create a new custom input form. You must specify the document type and form type (Input, View, Input & View) you want to work on. The default form for your chosen document type and form type is then loaded as the basis of the new form. Note that the combined Input & View form type gives better performance so it is the recommended choice.
Clone L Creates a new custom input form based on the selected form. When the cloned form has been saved, it appears at the bottom of the list of custom input forms.
Edit L Loads the selected inactive form for editing.
Delete L Deletes the selected inactive form once you have confirmed the action.
Back to List E Returns you to the list view.
Form Name E The form name. A custom input form cannot be saved without a form name.
Save E Saves the current custom input form.
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