Using Integration Rules

Integration rules are created to make data available in a variety of ways within your organizationClosedA deployment of the Salesforce/FinancialForce applications with a defined set of licensed users. Your organization (org) includes all of your data and applications, and is separate from all other orgs..

Type 1 - with a target object only

To make custom fields available on your sales invoices, sales credit notes, payable invoices, payable credit notes, or journals and expose them to the FinancialForce API, see Creating Integration Rules - Type 1.

Type 2 - with both a target and a source object

Integration rules of this type (with both a defined target and a source object) can be used to:

If you want to create integration rules for any of these functions, see Creating Integration Rules - Type 2.

Running Integration Rules

If you want to generate one or more cash entries from the data held on a custom object, see Automatically Generating Cash Entries.

If you want to generate sales invoices from the data held on any pair of Salesforce objects, see Automatically Generating Sales Invoices.