Run Integration Rule Fields

This topic relates to the first generation of Integration Rules. Contact your FinancialForce representative for information about the suitability and availability of the next generation of integration rules (ClickLink).

Here is a description of the standard fields on the run integration rule page.

Key:  * – Mandatory field 

Field     Description
Integration Rule Name *   Name of the integration rule that maps the fields on the source and target objects.

Selection Criteria

For each source field selected, the operator and value are mandatory.

Field Description
Source Field Field you want to use to set filter criteria to select records for processing.
Operator The mathematical or logical operation used on the filter.
Value The value for the filter.


Button Description
Run Generates and posts sales invoices or cash entries using the data on the records in the source object(s). You are notified of the success or failure of this operation.
Cancel Cancels the current session without creating sales invoices or cash entries.