Integration Rules - Type 2

This topic relates to the first generation of Integration Rules. Contact your FinancialForce representative for information about the suitability and availability of the next generation of integration rules (ClickLink).

Integration rules of this type have both a source object and a target object defined. They are designed to map fields between objects.

If a field is mapped in an integration rule, the process will respect that mapping and use the value from the corresponding field on the source object, even if the field is empty (with the exception of empty tax rates - see "Handling tax codes, rates and values" below).

Note: Note
If the targets are your own custom fields on sales invoices or credit notes, you must also create type 1 integration rules to make them available on those pages, for printing from Accounting, and in the Accounting API.


Handling tax codes, rates and values

All tax calculations are performed after the integration rule process has populated the mapped fields.

If no tax information is imported, tax is calculated based on account and product details.

Tax codes and values are handled as follows:

Type 2a - Customize field mapping from opportunities

Do you want to customize the way sales invoices and credit notes are created using the data from opportunities?

By default, the base application provides a custom Create Invoice button that your administratorClosedOne or more individuals in your organization who can configure and customize the application. Users assigned the System Administrator profile have administrator privileges. adds to the opportunity page. This button creates sales invoices using the data held on opportunities.

The application also provides a Convert to Credit Note button on the sales invoice page which creates sales credit notes by converting sales invoices. If the sales invoices were created using the information stored on opportunities, the information from the opportunities is used to create the credit notes.

If you want to map additional fields from opportunities to sales invoices or credit notes, you must create this type of integration rule.

You have the option to select the field on the source object that you want to be updated with the document number. This field must be a lookup to the target object.

Similarly, you have the option to select the field on the source object that you want to indicate that the record has been processed. This field must be a checkbox.

Note: Notes

Type 2b - Set up field mapping and custom buttons

Do you want users to be able to create sales invoices or credit notes from any object in your Salesforce organization?

You can create integration rules to specify the source data and to help you set up the appropriate custom buttons to use the mapped information to create sales invoices or credit notes. The source objects can be standard Salesforce objects, FinancialForce objects, or even your own custom objects.You might, for example, want to allow your staff to create sales invoices directly from custom objects you have created for work orders in your organization.

Note: Notes

This type of rule allows you to view and copy the JavaScript code needed to create the custom button to be placed on the source object. Clicking the completed custom button will create an "In Progress" sales invoice or sales credit note.

For more information about creating custom buttons, see the Salesforce Help topic "Defining Custom Buttons and Links".

Type 2c - Set up field mapping for automatic generation of cash entries or sales invoices

You can create integration rules to map fields from one, single object to the cash entryClosedA record of money received from, or refunded to, your customers, often in the form of cash or a check. Also used to record payments to and refunds from vendors. and cash entry line item objects so that you can generate one or more cash entries from the data held on the object.

You can also create integration rules to map fields from any pair of master and detail objects to the sales invoice and sales invoice line item objects so that you can generate sales invoices from the data held on the source objects.

The Run Integration Rule tab allows you to select this type of integration rule then run it to create and post sales invoices or cash entries.

Note: Notes

Automatic Generation of Cash Entries

A single, custom source object must be used for the generation of cash entries. This object must contain all needed information for the cash entry master and detail sections and be designated in the integration rule as both the source object and the source detail object.

Integration rules have a specific checkbox used to indicate if you want every record in the source object to create its own individual cash entry or if you want to create one cash entry with multiple account lines where each line corresponds to a record in the source object.

Automatic Generation of Sales Invoices

All information mapped from the custom object, apart from invoice status, is used to create sales invoices.

The unit price for line items must be provided on the custom object, as it isn't retrieved from the Salesforce price book.

Automatic Generation of Sales Credit Notes

If you want to use an integration rule to create sales credit notes, be aware that you will not be able to convert a sales invoice to a sales credit note using the Convert to Credit Note button. This is because when using the Convert to Credit Note button, the sales credit note must be created using the information (including tax details) on the sales invoice but the integration rule will try to apply the tax details that have been mapped in the rule. This will result in an error message saying that you cannot map the tax fields. You therefore have two options: