About Flexible Billing Periods

If your administrator has configured PSA to generate billing events based on project specific time periods, you can select a cut-off date instead of a time period on which to base project and account billing events. Billing events are generated for time periods that end on or before the date you specify. The diagram that follows shows how PSA selects the time period type.

If the appendGeneratedItems configuration option is set to true, and billing events or billing event batches already exist for a time period, PSA appends to those billing events or billing event batches instead of creating new ones. This also occurs if the ignoreTimePeriodWhenAppendingItems configuration option is set. Contact your administrator for more information.
If generating billing events based on account or project specific time periods, we recommend using the force-daily-timecard-splits configuration option and only processing timecards created after setting this configuration option. You must generate Billing events for timecards that were created before the configuration option was set without using flexible billing periods. If you do not do this, timecard splits might not be split based on the periods that you are billing for, resulting in a billing event batch and billing event containing a timecard split from a different time period.

You can also schedule the generation of billing events based on project specific time periods. When you do this, you can choose an offset so that billing generation applies to a date other than the day on which billing generation is scheduled for.