Generating and Processing Billing Events on the Billing Event Generation Tab
Use this tab to generate billing event batches in bulk at the region, practice, or group level and release them for invoicing at the batch or billing event level. You can also select the records that you want to include, such as timecards, expenses and miscellaneous adjustments.
Multiple users can generate and release billing events at the same time. You cannot delete or remove billing events when another user is generating or releasing billing events.
Generating Billing Events
To generate billing events:
- Click the Billing Event Generation tab.
- Select the time period for which you want to generate billing events.
- Optionally, select Include prior periods to generate billing events for periods prior to that selected.
- Depending on the configuration that your administrator has chosen, you can select a sub-region, -practice, or -group to generate billing events for. The top-level RPG is selected when you load the page.
- Optionally, enter the account or project that you want to generate billing events for.
- Select or deselect the checkboxes for the records that you want to include or exclude when generating the billing event.
When you have generated a billing event, the checkboxes revert to the defaults that your system administrator has set.
- Click Generate to generate billing event batches for each account that meets your selected criteria. Click Schedule to schedule a batch job to run at a future time. See Scheduling Billing Events.
The progress of all batches that are currently processing is shown in the Processing Status section at the bottom of the tab. The progress is updated every five seconds.
Successfully generated billing events are displayed in the Process Billing Events section, ready to release.
A Details column in the processing bar status displays information for your billing event selections.
Removing Billing Events
After checking the generated billing events, projects and line items, you can remove any billing events or batches that you don't want to release to a financial system:
To remove generated billing events or batches:
- In the Process Billing Events section, select the checkboxes for the billing events or batches that you want to remove.
- Click Remove. The removed items are no longer shown in the list.
Releasing Billing Events
To release generated billing events:
- [Optional] In the Process Billing Events section, filter the billing events and batches to be displayed. For more information, see the Process Billing Events fields.
- Select billing events or batches to release, and then click Release.
The progress of all batches that are currently processing is shown in the Processing Status section at the bottom of the tab. The progress is updated every five seconds.
Billing events that are successfully released are removed from the list in the Process Billing Events section.

After generating billing events or batches, you can select and release them from these pages, ready for invoicing:
- Billing Event Generation page.
- Billing Event and Billing Event Batch list views.
- Billing Event page.
- Billing Event page, after editing the billing event and selecting the Released checkbox.
- Billing (Apex) API