Billing Fields

This topic describes the fields on a billing eventClosed A means of generating billing information that can be fed into a financial system, billing event batchClosed A group of billing events and billing event item. Also described are the fields and buttons on the Billing Event Generation tab and the Account Billing and Project Billing pages.

Billing Event Fields

R – Read-only.
* – Mandatory field.

Field     Description
Approved     Indicates whether the billing event is approved.
Approver     The person who is to approve the billing event.
Billing Contact     Lookup to the contact record associated with the billing event.
Billing Event Batch     The billing event batch to which the billing event relates.
Billing Event Stage     The stage of the billing event as it moves through the process sequentially from generation (Generated), released to finance (Released), to marked as invoiced (Invoiced). These stages are used in reports.
Budget Remaining     Project Bookings minus the Summary Amount.
Created By     The person who created the billing event and the time of creation.
Currency *   Currency for the billing amount.
Date     Date of the billing event.
Event Key     Generated key to identify a billing event.
Invoice Date     Date of the invoice associated with the billing event. If the Billing Events Integration is enabled, this field is in the Billing section.
Invoice Number   R The unique invoice number associated with the billing event. If the Billing Events Integration is enabled, this field is in the Billing section.
Invoiced     Indicates whether the billing event has been invoiced. If the Billing Events Integration is enabled, this field is in the Billing section.
Last Modified By     Person who last modified the invoice and the date on which it was modified.
Name   R Unique name of the billing event.
Owner     The owner of the event.
Project     The project to which the billing event relates.

Indicates whether the billing event is released.

Note: When you have selected the Auto-Cap Billing checkbox in a project, project billing events or billing event batches that exceed the billing cap are not released.
Rounded Summary Amount     The sum of all rounded billing event item amounts using the Salesforce standard rounding precision.
Status     The current status of the billing event.
Summary Amount     The total amount for the billing event.


This section is only available if you are using the Billing Events Integration. It contains information about the original billing document created for this billing event, and the billing document issued for invoicing.

Key: R – Read-only.

Field   Description
Original Billing Document   Lookup to the billing document created for this billing event by the Billing Events Integration. If this billing document is consolidated in Billing Central, the final billing document used to invoice the customer is identified in the Billing Document field.
Billing Document Creation Status   Indicates whether the original billing document was created successfully by the Billing Events Integration.
Billing Document Creation Errors   Contains any errors that occurred when the Billing Events Integration created the original billing document.
Billing Document R Lookup to the final billing document used to invoice this billing event. If the Original Billing Document is not consolidated, both fields link to the same billing document. Billing documents with the "Draft" status can be consolidated so this document number might change if further consolidation occurs.
Billing Document Status R The status of the document in the Billing Document field. When the status is "Draft" the document can be consolidated in Billing Central. When the status is "Complete" the document is ready to be invoiced to the customer.
Invoice Date   When the document in the Billing Document field is completed, its document date is saved in this field to record the date the billing event was invoiced.
Invoice Number   When the document in the Billing Document field is completed, its number is saved in this field to record the billing document that invoiced the billing event.
Invoiced   When the document in the Billing Document field is completed, this checkbox is selected to indicate that the billing event has been invoiced.

Billing Event Buttons

Button Description
Clear Billing Data Allows you to clear billing data and undo the process for business records that have gone through the entire billing cycleClosed The whole billing cycle from creation to Billing Event Release and Invoicing. You can use this button to ensure that affected records are properly updated.
Clone Creates a copy of the billing event.
Create Billing Document Creates a draft billing document for the billing event. This button is only available if it has been added to the page layout as instructed when enabling the Billing Events Integration. You can optionally consolidate multiple draft billing documents to improve efficiency when billing accounts.
Delete Deletes the billing event.
Edit Makes the editable fields available for editing.
Invoice Invoices the billing event. This button is only available if the Billing Events Integration is not enabled.
New Billing Event Item Allows you to create a new billing event item
Recalc Recalculates the billing information for an unreleased billing event.

Releases the billing event.

Note: When you have selected the Auto-Cap Billing checkbox in a project, project billing events or billing event batches that exceed the billing cap are not released.

Billing Event Generation Fields

The following fields arein the Generate Billing events section of the Billing Event Generation tab.

A – Displayed when PSA is not configured to use flexible billing periods.
B – Displayed when PSA is configured to use flexible billing periods.

Field   Description
Period A Allows you to specify the time periodClosed A period of time with a start date and an end date to which forecasts, actuals calculations, billing event batches, utilization calculations and region plans belong. for which you want to generate billing events.
Include prior periods A Indicates whether billing events will be generated for all periods prior to the one selected.
Region   Allows you to specify the region on which to generate billing events. If your administrator has configured Region as the primary unit type, you can select the Any option when generating billing events. For instance, this allows you to generate billing events for projects where there is no region.
Selecting the Any option could generate more billing events than you want. If you want billing events to be generated using the top-level primary unit type, select that record from the drop-down list. For instance if unitType is set to Region and the top-level region in your organization is Global, select that region in the Region drop-down list.
Practice   Allows you to further filter on the selected unitType when generating billing events. This field is only displayed when your administrator has set the unitTypeFilter configuration option in the Billing configuration groupClosed A collection of configuration options contained in the configuration groups tab that defines behavior of a FinancialForce PSA object or feature. to true. If your administrator has configured Practice as the primary unit type, you can select the Any option when generating billing events. For instance, this allows you to generate billing events for projects where there is no practice.
Selecting the Any option could generate more billing events than you want. If you want billing events to be generated using the top-level primary unit type, select that record from the drop-down list. For instance if unitType is set to Practice and the top-level practice in your organization is PracticeA, select that practice in the Practice drop-down list.
Group   Allows you to further filter on the selected unitType when generating billing events. This field is only displayed when your administrator has set the unitTypeFilter configuration option in the Billing configuration groupClosed A collection of configuration options contained in the configuration groups tab that defines behavior of a FinancialForce PSA object or feature. to true. If your administrator has configured Group as the primary unit type, you can select the Any option when generating billing events. For instance, this allows you to generate billing events for projects where there is no group.
Account   Allows you to only generate billing events for a specific accountClosed Accounts in the context of FinancialForce PSA are the same as accounts in Salesforce. Users can create and view certain FinancialForce PSA data related to the account on the related lists..
Cutoff B Allows you to enter a cut-off date on which to base project and account billing events. Billing events are generated for time periods that end on or before the date you specify.
Project   Allows you to only generate billing events for a particular project.
Include Timecards   Allows you to include or exclude timecard records when generating billing events. The default is set by your system administrator.
Include Expenses   Allows you to include or exclude expense records when generating billing events. The default is set by your system administrator.
Include Budgets   Allows you to include or exclude budget records when generating billing events. The default is set by your system administrator.
Include Milestones   Allows you to include or exclude milestone records when generating billing events. The default is set by your system administrator.
Include Miscellaneous Adjustments   Allows you to include or exclude miscellaneous adjustment records when generating billing events. The default is set by your system administrator.

Process Billing Events

The following fields are in the Process Billing Events section of the Billing Event Generation tab.

Field Description
Region Allows you to filter the billing event batches by regionClosed A level of hierarchy used in PSA to which other objects belong such as resources, opportunities and projects..
Account Allows you to filter the billing event batches by accountClosed Accounts in the context of FinancialForce PSA are the same as accounts in Salesforce. Users can create and view certain FinancialForce PSA data related to the account on the related lists..
Pre-Bill Indicates whether the billing event batches are to be filtered based on whether they are pre-billed.
Time Period Allows you to filter the billing event batches based on their time periodClosed A period of time with a start date and an end date to which forecasts, actuals calculations, billing event batches, utilization calculations and region plans belong..
Category Allows you to filter billing event batches based on the transaction category to which they belong.

Billing Event Generation Buttons

The following buttons are in the Generate Billing Events section of the Billing Event Generation tab.

Button Description
Generate Generates billing event batches for the selected Region, Account Period and Project.
Schedule Allows you to automatically schedule generation of billing event batches at specific time intervals.
If you use this feature, items may not be ready for billing when the billing event generation occurs.

The following buttons are in the Process Billing Events section of the Billing Event Generation tab.

Button Description
Clear Billing Data Allows you to clear billing data and undo the process for business records that have gone through the entire billing cycleClosed The whole billing cycle from creation to Billing Event Release and Invoicing. You can use this button to ensure that affected records are properly updated.
Refresh Refreshes the billing event batches listed based on values set in the filters fields.

Releases the selected billing event batches to the financial system in place.

Note: When you have selected the Auto-Cap Billing checkbox in a project, project billing events or billing event batches that exceed the billing cap are not released.
Remove Removes the selected billing event batches.

Billing Event Batch Fields

The following fields are on a billing event batch.

Field     Description
Account     Account to which the billing event relates.
Currency *   Currency of the billing event batch.
Group     Group to which the billing event batch relates.
Batch Key     Key used to identify a billing event batch. This field contains the time the billing event batch was generated, account to which the batch relates, currency and time period to which the batch applies.
Name   R Unique ID of the billing event batch
Owner   R The owner of the billing event batch.
Practice     Practice to which the billing event batch relates.
Region     Region to which the billing event batch relates.

Indicates whether the billing event batch is released.

Note: When you have selected the Auto-Cap Billing checkbox in a project, project billing events or billing event batches that exceed the billing cap are not released.
Summary Amount     The total amount for the billing event batch
Time Period     Time period to which the billing event batch relates.

Business Record Billing Fields

The following fields are on business records, such as Timecard Splits, Expenses, Milestones, Budgets and Miscellaneous Adjustments:

Field Description
Billing Event The billing event associated with the billing event item.
Billing Event Status The status of the billing event associated with the billing event item.
Billing Event Released

Indicates whether the billing event has been released to the financial system in use.

Note: When you have selected the Auto-Cap Billing checkbox in a project, project billing events or billing event batches that exceed the billing cap are not released.
Billing Event Invoiced Indicates whether the billing event item has been invoiced.

Billing Event Item

The following fields are on billing event items:

Field   Description
Amount   Amount of the billing event item.
Billing Document Line Item   Lookup to the billing document line item that bills this billing event item. This field is only available if you are using the Billing Events Integration.
Billing Event   Billing event to which the billing event item applies.
Billing Event Batch   Billing event batch to which the billing event item applies.
Budget   Lookup to the budget to which the billing event item relates.
Category   Category of the billing event item. This can be one of the following values:
Date   Date of the billing event item
Description   Description of the billing event item.
Expense   Lookup to the expense to which the billing event item relates.
Milestone   Lookup to the milestone to which the billing event item relates.
Miscellaneous Adjustment   Lookup to the miscellaneous adjustment to which the billing event item relates.
Object ID * ID of the billable object that the item was generated from.
Product or Service   Lookup to the product or service to which the billing event item relates. If your org is configured to use the Billing Events Integration, when you create a billing document for the billing event and this field is blank, the product "Professional Services" is set in the Product or Service field on the corresponding billing document line item.
Project   Project to which the billing event item relates.
Quantity   Quantity of the expense or timecard hours to be billed.
Rounded Amount   The rounded total amount for the billing event item using the Salesforce standard rounding precision.
Subcategory   Category of the billing event item. For instance, if the billing event item category is Expense, the subcategory shows the type of expense to which the billing event item relates.

A formula field providing more information about the billing event item. The information varies depending upon the billing event item's category. For expenses, it includes the resource name, expense date, and the expense description. For milestones, it includes the milestone's actual date, amount, and currency. For other categories, it shows the billing event item's description.

Timecard Split   Lookup to the timecard splitClosed A whole timecard or part of a timecard. to which the billing event item relates.
Unit Price   Unit price of the item to be billed.

Eligibility for Billing

For an item to be eligible for billing, the following applies:

Account and Project Billing Fields

The following fields are on the Account Billing and Project Billing pages.

R – Read-only.
C – The filters shown depend on the configuration options that your administrator has chosen. See Billing Settings.

Field     Description
Account / Project R   The account or project that you want to generate billing events for.
Currency R   Currency of the account or project.
Miscellaneous Adjustments
  C Allows you to filter the billing eligible items displayed.
Resource     Allows to view billing eligible items for an individual resource only.
Start Date
End Date
    Allows you to restrict the billing eligible items displayed to a particular date range.

The following buttons are on the Account Billing and Project Billing pages.

Button Description
Filter Filters the billing eligible items displayed based on your selections.
Clear Filters Clears any active filters and resets the status of the available filters.
Generate Billing Event Based on your selections, generates billing events for the account or project.