Column Formatting Fields
Here is a description of the interface elements on the Column Formatting popup. This popup is displayed when you format columns either on the action view template Specifies the dataview that you are inquiring on. or in the action view results grid. The title bar shows the title of the column you are formatting. The controls vary depending upon whether you are formatting a column that contains a numeric field or a non-numeric field.

These controls can be used when formatting a column that contains a numeric field or formula.
Number Formatting
Field | Description |
Scaling | Scaling options for large numbers: none, Scale to Nearest Thousand, Scale to Nearest Million. Make sure the column title indicates if scaling is applied. |
Decimal Places | The number of decimal places (0-9) to use when displaying numeric fields and formula field calculations. Values are displayed to 2 decimal places unless you set a different default here. |
Show Separators | Choose whether or not to display thousand separators. |
Positive/Negative Formatting
Field | Description |
Negative Number Format | Signed - negative numbers are displayed with the minus sign. For example -999. Parenthesis - negative numbers are displayed inside parentheses. For example (999). Unsigned - negative numbers are displayed as regular text. For example 999. |
Positive Colors | The text and fill colors for positive numbers. |
Negative Colors | The text and fill colors for negative numbers. |
Conditional Formatting
Field | Description |
Operator/Value | Specify the condition that you want to use for applying conditional formatting. For example, to show values over 2000 in a particular color choose "More Than" from the Operator list and enter "2000" in the Value box, then choose the colors you want to apply when the condition is true, and the colors you want to apply when the condition is false. Use the "Empty" operator to apply a fill color to cells that have no content. |
Condition True Colors | The text and fill colors to apply to values that match the condition. When set, this conditional formatting overrides any positive/negative formatting that might apply. |
Condition False Colors | The text and fill colors to apply to values that do not match the condition. When set, this conditional formatting overrides any positive/negative formatting that might apply. |

These controls can be used when formatting a column that contains a text field, or other non-numeric field. For example, if the column displays the Payment Status for sales invoices, you might want cells containing the "Unpaid" status to be shown in green and cells containing other payment statuses to be shown in another color.
Field | Description |
Operator/Value | Specify the condition that you want to use for applying conditional formatting. For example, to show "Unpaid" values in a particular color you would choose "Equal to" from the Operator list and enter "Unpaid" in the Value box, then choose the colors you want to apply when the condition is true, and the colors you want to apply when the condition is false. Use the "Empty" operator to apply a fill color to cells that have no content. You can apply a fill color to booleans by selecting "Equal to" or "Not Equal to" then entering the value true or false . |
Condition True Colors | The text and fill colors to apply to values that match the condition. If you are formatting a boolean, the text color is irrelevant. |
Condition False Colors | The text and fill colors to apply to values that do not match the condition. If you are formatting a boolean, the text color is irrelevant. |
Button | Description |
Cancel | Closes the popup without applying the changes. |
Clear | Clears the fields and sets them back to the default. |
Reset | Resets the fields to how they were when you opened the popup. |
OK | Applies the current formatting and closes the popup. |