Formatting Columns in the Action View Results

You can format individual columns in the results grid. For example, you might want to show debt over a certain value in a different color, or change the number of decimal places shown.

To apply formatting:

  1. Click the Downward facing arrow icon in the heading of the column that you want to format.
  2. Click Conditional Formatting Conditional Formatting on the shortcut menu.
  3. Click Conditional Formatting Edit column to display the formatting popup. The column name is displayed in the title of the popup.
  4. Choose your formatting options as described in Column Formatting Fields.
  5. Click OK to apply the formatting. The results grid refreshes to display the column in the format you specified.

If you want to save the new formatting click OK to save your view. Your changes are not saved back to the action view templateClosed.

To return to the default formatting set on the action view template, click Conditional Formatting Conditional Formatting | Reset column to action view template defaults.