Personalizing the Display of Action Views
When you have run an action view, you can adjust how the results are displayed. Some of these display settings are saved when you save the view. For more information see Saving Your View. Refer to the following information for different options for personalizing the display of action views.

You can display your data as a chart either by default or at runtime. Click the Action View Enables you to inquire on FinancialForce Reporting data and any other data held on the Salesforce platform. Uses dataviews, related content panes, and action view templates. Template - Edit Chart tab to select a type of chart, then define your chart settings. You can add labels to your chart and select their orientation. For more details see Action Views Fields.
At runtime, your chart settings are saved. However, when you create a new action view template Specifies the dataview that you are inquiring on., you are presented with the usual template columns.
Charts are not affected by settings on the Sort and Group tab because you select their own sort and group options.

You can hide and show columns by clicking the icon on a column heading to display a shortcut menu. The columns included in the action view template are listed under 'Columns'. Turn the checkboxes on or off to control which columns are displayed.
If you filter on a column that is subsequently hidden from view, the filter still applies. Similarly, if you hide a column that is used in the calculation of a formula field, the calculation is unaffected.
Clicking the icon in the toolbar also displays the shortcut menu where you can toggle the display of columns on or off.

You can resize columns by dragging the vertical bar that divides one column heading from another. An ellipsis (...) is displayed if content is truncated. Hover your cursor over the content to view it in full.
You can reorder columns by dragging a column heading along the grid and releasing it in the required position.

You can turn the display of grand totals on or off using the icon in the toolbar. When selected, grand totals are displayed below all numeric columns.
Some grand totals may sum mixed currency values and therefore be of limited use. For example, an Opportunity Total column might contain values in several different document currencies. You could filter on one particular document currency to see the sum of values in that currency.

By default, errors in formula columns are not displayed. Errors such as #div0!
or #null
can occur when the calculation for a row cannot be performed.
If you want these errors to be displayed, click the icon on the formula column heading and select the Show Errors checkbox.

When you run an action view, the results are displayed within a tab named after the action view template. You can rename a tab by double-clicking it and entering an alternative name.
When multiple tabs are displayed you can reorder them by dragging.

See the related topics for information about filtering and sorting results.

You can format the data in a column to highlight certain conditions. For example, you can display debt over a certain amount in a different color. Your formatting is saved when you save your view.