Adding the FinancialForce Navigation Component to a Utility Bar

The FinancialForce Navigation component delivers significant improvement to the navigation experience for users.

You create the FF Navigation component configuration using FF Navigation Configuration Builder. You then apply a navigation configuration to the FinancialForce Navigation component when it is added to a utility bar.

Note: By default, when the FinancialForce Navigation Component is added to a utility bar the FinancialForceNavigation configuration is applied. To find out more about the FinancialForce Navigation Configuration, see FinancialForce Navigation Configuration Builder.

To add a FinancialForce Navigation component to a utility bar, perform the following steps:

  1. From Setup, navigate to the App Manager.
  2. To add a utility bar to an existing app, click Edit in the drop-down menu next to your app.
  3. To create a Lightning app with a utility bar, click New Lightning App.
  4. Click Utility Items (Desktop Items).
  5. Click Add Utility Item.
  6. Select FinancialForce Navigation from the list of available custom components.
    Note: The FinancialForce Navigation component can be added to the utility bar for any unmanaged Apps in your org.
  7. In the Utility Item Properties, complete the following information:
    1. [Optional] Specify a label for the utility bar. By default, the label FinancialForce Navigation is displayed.
    2. [Optional] Choose the icon to appear in the utility bar.
    Note: We recommend you do not change the panel width and height of the utility panel. The default width and height ensure that the FinancialForce Navigation component is displayed correctly.
  8. In the Component Properties, complete the following information:
    1. Select the FinancialForce Navigation configuration to display the navigation items contained in the FinancialForce Navigation configuration. For more information on creating navigation configurations, see FinancialForce Navigation Configuration Builder.
    2. [Optional] Select Hide Navigation Sections checkbox to hide the navigation section labels. For more information on Sections, Groups and Navigation Items, see FinancialForce Navigation Configuration Builder.
  9. Click Save to make the component visible in the utility bar.

For more information on adding a utility bar to a lightning App, see the Salesforce Help.