Cutting, Copying, and Pasting in Gantt

In the Gantt task grid, you can use keyboard shortcuts to cut, copy and paste the contents of one or more cells, rows or columns within Gantt, or between Gantt and third-party applications.

Note: Due to performance limitations, we recommend that you do not use Gantt on Microsoft IE11 when cutting, copying and pasting.

Selecting Items

Note: If you double-click a cell so that it is open for editing before pasting, the contents of the multiple cells are pasted into it.

Within the task grid, you can:


Within the task grid, you cannot:

Tip: To ensure good performance, do not paste more than 300 rows.

Actions between Gantt and Third-party Applications

You can cut, copy, and paste cell contents between Gantt and third-party applications, such as Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, SmartSheets, and Microsoft Project.

Useful Information

Replicating Cells

A handle in the bottom-right corner of one or more selected cells enables you to replicate their contents to adjacent cells above or below them. Replication does not work when dragging horizontally.

You can use the replication handle to replicate lookup and picklist cells.

Creating Sequences

For date or numerical cells, you can create a sequence by selecting two vertical cells with sequential values, and then dragging the handle to one or more cells.

For example, select two date cells that contain consecutive dates and drag the handle to the cell below. The cell contains the next date in the sequence.

Note: When replicating a sequence of task start and end dates for work calendars that respect non-working days, tasks that end on a non-working day are changed to zero hours checkpointsClosed A zero duration task record, which is used to represent an event in the project such as a key decision, completion of a work package, completion of a deliverable or end of a phase. Checkpoint tasks have no relationship with PSA milestones.. Also, if you are replicating a sequence using only the end date, tasks can end on non-working days.
Use only start dates to replicate a sequence of tasks and ensure that the task end dates will not fall on a non-working day.