Revenue Management Amortize Costs on Revenue Contracts

This Feature Console page enables you to update Revenue Management to allow cost amortization on revenue contracts.


This feature is enabled by default on new installations, therefore you only need to complete these steps if you are upgrading and the feature is not already enabled in your org.

Work through the steps in the order shown. You must complete some steps manually.

When you have completed all the steps, use the Status slider in the Feature section to enable the feature.

Manually Updating List Views

You must manually update two Revenue Contract list views:

To edit these list views:

  1. Go to the Revenue Contracts tab.
  2. Load the appropriate list view then click Edit. In the Select Fields to Display section, move the relevant fields from the Available Fields list to the Selected Fields list. Use the up and down arrows to place the fields in the correct order. Using Lightning ExperienceClosedClick the icon to open the list view controls and select Select Fields to Display. Then move the relevant fields from the Available Fields list to the Visible Fields list.
  3. Save your changes.

Manually Removing the Revenue Management Scheduled Jobs tab

The Revenue Management Scheduled Jobs tab has been deprecated. This tab was used to set up scheduled jobs to populate the original staging tables which have been obsolete since V3.3. The original staging tables can now only be populated through the API but typically customers no longer use these tables.

We recommend that you remove this tab, but this step is optional.

If you are using the Salesforce Classic user interface, to remove this tab:

  1. From Setup, go to App Setup | Create | Apps.
  2. Scroll down the list of apps to Revenue Management Setup, then click Edit.
  3. Move the Revenue Management Scheduled Jobs tab from the Selected Tabs list into the Available Tabs list.
  4. Click Save.

If you are using Lightning Experience, the Revenue Management Scheduled Jobs tab is automatically removed from the Revenue Management Lightning app. To check that it has been removed:

  1. Navigate to Setup | Apps | App Manager.
  2. Locate the Revenue Management Setup Lightning app, then choose Edit from the drop-down list of available actions.
  3. Go to Selected Items.
  4. If the Revenue Management Scheduled Jobs tab is still in the Selected Items list, move it into the Available Items list.

Page Layout Changes

The page layout changes that Feature Console performs automatically are only applied to the standard page layouts provided by FinancialForce. If you are using custom page layouts for the Revenue Contract, Performance Obligation, and Performance Obligation Line Item objects, you must add the cost fields to your custom page layouts manually. For a list of the cost fields, see the Revenue Management Getting Started guide for Spring 2018.