Revenue Management Discard Transactions
This Feature Console page allows you to enable the feature for discarding committed revenue recognition transactions.
Work through the steps in the order shown. You must complete some steps manually.
- For each manual step, follow the instructions on screen then click Mark As Done when the step is complete. More information about performing the manual steps is provided below.
- For each automatic step, click Perform. When the step has completed, the Status changes from "Not Done" to "Done".
When you have completed all the steps, use the Status slider in the Feature section to enable the feature.
Manually Creating a List View for Discarded Revenue Recognition Transactions
To create a list view for revenue recognition transactions with the status "Discarded":
- Go to the Revenue Recognition Transactions tab.
- Click Create New View.
- Enter "Revenue Recognized - Discarded" as the view name.
- Set the filter criteria to: Status equals Discarded.
- Move the following fields from Available Fields to Selected Fields to display them in the list view: Transaction Number, Recognized Date, Period, Description, Status, Total Balance Sheet, Total Income Statement, Currency, and Created Date.
- Set the view's visibility to all users.
- Save the view.
Upgrades Only: Permission Set Edit
This section is only applicable if you have upgraded to this version of Revenue Management, and enabled the RM Discard Transactions feature.
Revenue Management provides the Discard Revenue Recognition Transactions custom permission for discarding committed revenue recognition transactions. It is assigned by default to the following permission sets:
- RevMan Admin
- RevMan Admin SF License
- RevMan Consultant SF License
If you have cloned these permission sets, assign the Discard Revenue Recognition Transactions custom permission to the cloned versions to allow users with those permission sets to discard committed transactions.