Enabling Revenue Recognition for PSA

This Feature Console page provides an automated way to set up PSA to perform revenue recognition. The feature allows you to choose which settings and templates to create for PSA objects: Expense, Milestone, Miscellaneous Adjustment, Project, Timecard Split. Project is assumed to be the primary object, and any other selected objects are assumed to be at Level 2 with Project as their parent.


You cannot run this feature more than once, and once it has been enabled you cannot revert it. If you do not select all the settings and templates you need when you run the feature, you can create additional settings and templates manually.

If you are upgrading to this release and PSA is already configured for revenue recognition in your org, do not activate this feature. Doing so results in an error message.

To run this process your user profile must have:

To set up the standard integration between Revenue Management and PSA:

  1. Click Launch to start the process. The next screen lets you select which settings and templates to create.
  2. Choose the templates you want to create for each settings record. If you choose an Equal Split template, you must select the Calculation Type for that template. If you will not be recognizing revenue on some source objects (Expenses, Milestones, Misc. Adjustments, Timecard Splits) deselect the checkboxes for those settings records that are not required.
  3. Click Next to continue. The next screen lets you review the settings and templates that will be created.
  4. Click Create to proceed with creating the settings and templates, and any fields that are required for revenue recognition to work. A full list of the metadata created is provided in Metadata Changes when Enabling Revenue Recognition for PSA.
  5. When the process has completed, click Close. The step is marked as "Done".

When the step is complete, use the Status slider in the Feature section to enable the feature.

Next Steps


This standard integration performs the configuration to run revenue recognition on PSA source objects. Note that: