Generating Revenue Schedules after Revenue Has Been Recognized

When you generate revenue schedules after revenue has been recognized:

You might need to edit a source record's Total Revenue, Start Date or End Date after some of its revenue schedule lines have been recognized. If this happens, the next time you generate revenue schedules the source record's "Recognizable" revenue schedule lines are updated. An additional catchup adjustment is applied to the first "Recognizable" revenue schedule line to correct the amount that should have been recognized to date. The "Complete" revenue schedule lines, and the Total Recognized Revenue on the revenue schedule, are unchanged.

The following examples illustrate how revenue schedule lines are recalculated when a source record's value or duration changes.

If you have a source record with a value of 12000 using an Equal Split - Months template over one calendar year (12 periods), the monthly revenue amount is calculated using the formula: Total Revenue / Number of Periods

This means that revenue schedule lines are generated for this source record as follows:



2022/001 1000
2022/002 1000
2022/003 1000
2022/004 1000
2022/005 1000
2022/006 1000
2022/007 1000
2022/008 1000
2022/009 1000
2022/010 1000
2022/011 1000
2022/012 1000
Total 12000

The following scenarios show how revenue schedule lines are recalculated when the source record changes after the first three periods have been recognized.


Revenue Management stores and displays currency values using the correct number of decimal places specified for the currency in Salesforce. For more information, see Currency Decimal Places and Rounding.