About Recognizing Revenue against Revenue Schedules

You must be familiar with generating revenue schedules before you start recognizing revenue against them. For information about getting started using revenue schedules, see the following:

Before you start recognizing revenue against revenue schedules, you must enable the Recognize Revenue Schedules feature in Feature Console. See Enable Recognize Revenue Schedules for instructions.

Make sure your revenue schedules are up to date before you recognize revenue against them. You can schedule the Generate Revenue Schedules process to run automatically (for example, overnight) to make sure any changes to source records are reflected in the revenue schedules. For information about scheduling the generate process, see Scheduling Revenue Management Processes to Run Automatically.

When you recognize revenue against revenue schedules, the process only recognizes revenue for revenue schedule lines that meet all the following criteria:

When the Recognize Schedules process starts, it runs in the background. You can monitor its progress from the Process Runs page. When it finishes you are notified by email with a link to the relevant process run record, which is where you can find log information.


The Recognize Schedules process will not start if it is already running, or if there are "In Progress" revenue recognition transactions.

The Recognize Schedules process creates revenue recognition transactions and commits them. There is no opportunity to review the "In Progress" transactions before they are committed.

Using Deliverable Templates

If you have source records using "Deliverable" templates, the settings record linked to each template includes field mappings to identify whether or not a source record is completed (delivered). This ensures that a revenue schedule line is not recognized before its source record is marked as completed:

If you edit a source record so that it is no longer marked as completed but its revenue schedule line has the status "Recognizable", when you run revenue recognition an error will be reported for that line in the process run record.