Revenue Recognition - Alert Cards

Several types of alert cards are included on the Revenue Recognition page:

Using Lightning App Builder, an administrator can add or remove cards, and can customize cards by changing the periods they relate to, and their color.

The properties that can be edited for each type of alert card are explained in the table below. For more information about editing pages in the Lightning App Builder, see the Salesforce Help.

Property RM Schedule Summary Alert Card RM Schedule Pending Summary Alert Card

RM Unscheduled Summary Alert Card

Offset From Current Period

Defines the period that the card relates to. Enter a positive number, a negative number, or leave blank:

  • 0 or blank = the current period
  • A negative number = a past period. For example, -1 means the previous period.
  • A positive number = a future period. For example, 1 means the next period.
Duration Covered

The options are:

  • Offset Period Only - the card displays pending revenue for the period defined in the Offset From Current Period field.
  • All Periods up to Offset - the card displays pending revenue for all periods from the earliest period with pending revenue, up to and including the period defined in the Offset From Current Period field.
Default Threshold Color The color used to display the card if no threshold ranges are defined, or if the card's value is within the default range.
Greater Than Threshold Value The threshold at which the card changes color if its value exceeds this number.
Greater Than Threshold Color The color used to display the card if its value exceeds the Greater Than Threshold Value.
Less Than Threshold Value The threshold at which the card changes color if its value is less than this number.
Less Than Threshold Color The color used to display the card if its value is less than the Less Than Threshold Value.