Adding Line Sets to an Estimate

Line sets enable you to group tasks and role requests on an estimate.

To add a line set to an estimate, in the Builder tab:

  1. Click Add Line Set button in Estimate Builder component. A line set is added to the builder and its Name cell is highlighted and editable.
    If you have selected a record in the builder, a line set is added to the first appropriate place within the hierarchy. For example, if you have selected a line set which is above another line set, the new line set will be added in the middle, after the first line set.
  2. Enter a name for the new line set.
  3. [Optional] Select or tab to the Start Date cell and enter a date. Records inherit the dates of their immediate parent records. For example, a line set inherits the dates of the estimate.
  4. [Optional] Select or tab to the End Date cell and enter a date.
  5. Click Save.

For more information about the fields on a line set record, see Estimate Line Set Fields.