Pushing an Estimate to an Opportunity

You can push the details of a primary estimate to the related opportunity as resource requests and opportunity products. When you create a project from an estimate, the estimate is automatically pushed to the related opportunity if it hasn't already been.


Your administrator must assign you the SCPQ - Push to Opportunity permission set to push an estimate to an opportunity.

To push estimate details to an opportunity:

  1. On a primary estimate record, click Actions | Services CPQ | Push to Opportunity.
  2. Select the estimate products to push to the related opportunity as opportunity products. If your estimate doesn't include estimate products, go to step 4.
  3. Click Next.
  4. If there are role requests on the estimate that are not associated with an estimate product, the Create Opportunity Product window is displayed. Search for and select a services product in the Product field to use to create an opportunity product. The resource requests that will be created from these role requests will be associated with the new opportunity product. If this window is not displayed, go to step 7.
  5. Select a date for the opportunity product. This is the start date of the estimate by default.
  6. [Optional] Enter a description.
  7. [Optional] Click Grouping Criteria to review the fields that resource requests will be consolidated by.
    If estimate role skills are enabled in Services CPQ in your org, you can move them from the Selected list to the Available list to exclude them from the criteria to consolidate role requests by, then click Update Preview.
  8. Click Next.
  9. Review the opportunity products that will be created from the estimate products. If you created an opportunity product at step 2, this is also displayed. If this window is not displayed, go to step 9.
  10. [Optional] Click Grouping Criteria to review the fields that resource requests will be consolidated by. If you configured the grouping criteria at step 5, this will be overridden.
    If estimate role skills are enabled in Services CPQ in your org, you can move them from the Selected list to the Available list to exclude them from the criteria to consolidate role requests by, then click Update Preview.
  11. Click Push.

If the Primary checkbox is deselected on the estimate after pushing to opportunity, the resource requests and opportunity products are deleted from the opportunity.