Create Project from Template Fields

These fields are displayed on the Create Project page when you are creating a projectClosed A collection of activities and related items to be managed over a defined time range, such as timecards, expenses, milestones and budgets. from a template. The fields that are available depend on the field sets that your administrator has configured. For more information, see Field Sets.

Note: Fields are grouped in sections or by tabs, depending on the edition of Create Project From Template that you're using. To include all records included in the tabs, select Select All Related Records. You can still deselect the checkboxes of any unwanted records in each tab.

Create Project

This table describes the fields in the Create Project section.

* – Mandatory.
R – Read-only

Field     Description
Account *   Lookup to the related account for the project. Enter the customer account for the project, unless you are using it to track items other than revenue such as vacations or internal non-billable projects.

Indicates whether this project is active. When deselected, this project's Scheduled Backlog will not be calculated or reflected in roll-ups. Also when deselected, you cannot enter, delete or materially update further business records on this project.

Note: You cannot deactivate a project that has active child projects.
Billable     Indicates whether this project is billable. When deselected this project's numbers will not be reflected in any billing information.
Currency *   When working with multiple currencies, allows you to choose a currency to report the project figures in when different from the default currency for your Salesforce org.
Exclude from Billing     Indicates whether this project should be excluded from billing events.
Group     Lookup to the related groupClosed A level of hierarchy used in PSA to which other objects belong such as resources, opportunities and projects. to which the project actuals roll up to.
Opportunity *   Lookup to the related opportunity. Enter the opportunity for the project unless you are using it to track items other than revenue such as vacations or internal non-billable projects.
Opportunity Owner *   Contact who owns the related opportunity.
Owner *   Contact who owns the project.
Planned Hours     Number of hours planned for the project.
Practice     Lookup to the related practiceClosed A level of hierarchy used in PSA to which other objects belong such as resources, opportunities and projects. to which the project actualsClosed Totals for a given time period. roll up to.
Project Manager     Lookup to the related contact. Used on the resource plannerClosed A graphical tool that gives you an organized, comprehensive view of resources and the projects to which they are assigned..
Project Name *   Name of the project relating to the accountClosed In this context, accounts are organizations or people that you conduct business with, such as customers or vendors. Account is a standard Salesforce object. FinancialForce accounts can be any Account Record Type. and opportunity.
Region     Lookup to the related regionClosed A level of hierarchy used in PSA to which other objects belong such as resources, opportunities and projects. to which the project actuals roll up to.
Start Date/End Date *  

Dates on which the project starts and ends. Optionally, enter a new start date for your project. The difference between the template project start date and this date is applied to all of the other dates for the new project when you click Update Related Record Dates.

Template Project Start Date R   Original start date of the template project.
Time Credited     Indicates whether non-billable time is credited for utilization.
Time Excluded     When selected, non-billable time is not included in utilization calculations.
Update Related Record Dates    

Updates all dates in the new project, based on the difference between the template project start date and the start date that you have entered. This includes the project end date, and start and end dates for assignments, resource requests, project tasks, and so on. Dates in the Budget and Milestones from Opportunity Products tabs are not updated.

You can still update the project End Date and Top-Level Task Start Date fields before creating the project.

Note: If the checkbox Allow Start/End on Non-working Days on the associated work calendar is deselected, the dates are adjusted to avoid non-working days specified in that work calendar. If there is no associated work calendar, the dates are adjusted to avoid Saturday and Sunday.
For example, if Saturday and Sunday are non-working days, an adjusted date that would have started or ended on one of these days is moved to Monday, which is the next available working day.

Resource Requests from Template

If the project template that you are creating the project from has resource requestsClosed A means of asking for resources for a project or an opportunity., you can select the ones to copy to the project. You can edit the start and end dates of the resource requests.

Resource Requests from Opportunity

When creating a project from a template for an opportunity, you can select resource requests from the related opportunity to copy to the new project.


This table describes the fields in the Assignments tab. Select the checkboxes of the records that you want to copy.

Field Description
Adjust Schedule Exceptions Indicates whether schedule exceptions for the assignment are adjusted relative to the new assignment's start date. When true, any selected assignments are created along with the schedule exceptions which are adjusted in relation to the start date if the start date for the new assignment has changed. When false, schedule exceptions from the original schedule are not copied. The default value is true.
Assignment Name Name of the assignmentClosed Connection between a resource and a project..
Bill Rate Rate used when calculating billing for the hours entered on timecards for the assignmentClosed Connection between a resource and a project..
Billable Indicates whether the assignment is billable and therefore included in billing events.
Cost Rate Indicates whether the cost rate in the resource's contact record is used for the default cost rate. If you want to enter a cost rate for the assignment, clear the checkbox and enter the amount you want for that assignment.
Ignore Holidays Indicates whether a new assignment schedule ignores holidays. When true, any selected assignments are created without taking into account any holidays on the resource's work calendar and these days are treated as working days for scheduling purposes. When false, schedule exceptions are created for any holidays on the resource's work calendar and the hours are adjusted accordingly. The default value is true.
Resource The resourceClosed A contact that works on a project. to be assigned to the projectClosed A collection of activities and related items to be managed over a defined time range, such as timecards, expenses, milestones and budgets. .
Start / End Date Start and end date of the schedule.

If an assignment milestone is associated with a selected assignment, that assignment milestone is copied and the new assignment milestone is associated with the new assignment when you create the project.

Budget Details

This table describes the fields in the Budget Details tab.

Field Description
Amount Amount of the budgetClosed An amount used to manage expenditure on customer purchase orders, internal budgets, outbound vendor purchase orders and work orders. A budget must be associated with a project..
Budget Name Name of the budget. Make it identifiable to the project and its budget type.
Budget Type You can choose one of the following budget types:
  • Vendor Purchase Order
  • Work Order
  • Internal Budget
  • Customer Purchase Order Change Request
  • Vendor Purchase Order Change Request
  • Work Order Change Request
  • Internal Budget Change Request
Create Budget Indicates whether a budget is to be added to the project. Deselect the checkbox if you have a workflow that sets a project to Inactive on creation. This prevents PSA from attempting to add a budget to the inactive project.
Effective Date Date this budget becomes effective.
Description Description of the budget.
Expense Amount Amount of additional expenses.
Pre-Billed Amount Amount billed and received earlier.
Status Status of the budget.

Milestones from Template

This table describes the fields in the Milestones from Template tab. Select the checkboxes of the records that you want to copy.


Record types are automatically mapped. If no record type is set on the template milestone, the default value set on your user profile is used.

Key: * – Mandatory.

Field     Description
Actual Date     Actual date of completion of the milestone. Must be completed before you can include in financials.
Approver     Lookup to approval authority contact, usually a customer or partner.
Checkbox     Indicates whether the milestone in the template is copied to the project.
Description     Description of the milestone.
Estimated Time to Completion     Estimated number of resource hours to complete the milestone.
Log Milestone Cost as External     Indicates whether the costs are logged as external, such as for external resources working on the milestone.
Milestone Amount *   Amount to bill for achievement of the milestone.
Milestone Cost     Estimated cost of the milestone, based on resourceClosed A contact that works on a project. cost.
Milestone Name     Name of the milestoneClosed A fixed target, which when achieved, can be billed to the customer for a fixed fee or by logging time against it..
Planned Hours     Total number of planned hours from all resources for this milestone. This field exists on projects, assignments and milestones and is for simple planning purposes.
Target Date *   Target date for completion of the milestone.

Milestones from Opportunity Products

This table describes the fields in the Milestones from Opportunity Products tab. Select the checkboxes of the records that you want to copy.


Record types are automatically mapped. If no record type is set on the opportunity product milestone, the default value set on your user profile is used.

Key: * – Mandatory.

Field     Description
Actual Date     Actual date of completion of the milestone. Must be completed before you can include in financials.
Approver     Lookup to approval authority contact, usually a customer or partner.
Checkbox     Indicates whether the milestone in the opportunity product is copied to the project.
Description     Description of the milestone.
Estimated Time to Completion     Estimated number of resource hours to complete the milestone.
Log Milestone Cost as External     Indicates whether the costs are logged as external, such as for external resources working on the milestone.
Milestone Amount *   Amount to bill for achievement of the milestone. This is populated with the amount of the opportunity product.
Milestone Cost     Estimated cost of the milestone, based on resourceClosed A contact that works on a project. cost.
Milestone Name     Name of the milestoneClosed A fixed target, which when achieved, can be billed to the customer for a fixed fee or by logging time against it..
Planned Hours     Total number of planned hours from all resources for this milestone. This field exists on projects, assignments and milestones and is for simple planning purposes.
Target Date *  

Target date for completion of the milestone. This field is blank if there is no date set on the copied opportunity product line item.

Note: When using an API to create a project from a template from an opportunity, this field shows the current date if there is no date set on the copied opportunity product line item.

Project Tasks

This table describes the fields in the Project Tasks tab.

Field Description
Copy Template Project Tasks and Task Dependencies Indicates whether the template project tasks and their dependencies are copied to the new project.
Top-Level Task Start Date

The start date of the earliest (top-level) task for the new project.

This is calculated automatically when:


  1. Project tasks are copied from the template.
  2. You have entered a start date for the new project.
  3. You have clicked Update Related Record Dates.

All later project tasks are also updated, based on this date.

You can still change this date before creating the project.

Note: If the checkbox Allow Start/End on Non-working Days on the associated work calendar is deselected, the dates are adjusted to avoid non-working days specified in that work calendar. If there is no associated work calendar, the dates are adjusted to avoid Saturday and Sunday.
For example, if Saturday and Sunday are non-working days, an adjusted date that would have started or ended on one of these days is moved to Monday, which is the next available working day.
Description Description of the project taskClosed A unit of work or collection of work associated with a project..

If a project task is associated with a project task assignment, that project task assignment is copied with any related resource requests and assignments and associated with the new resource requests and assignments when you create the project.

Project Locations/Methodologies/Phases

This table describes the project locations, methodologies, and phases that you can copy to the project.

Field Description
Copy Template Project Locations / Methodologies / Phases Indicates whether each project locationClosed The location of the project. When completing a timecard you can select the location to which the time applies depending on the configuration your administrator has set. You can select a location for each day or a primary location depending on configuration. or project methodologyClosed The methodology used on the project. When completing a timecard you can select the methodology record to which the time applies depending on the configuration your administrator has set. or project phaseClosed Phase of the project. When completing a timecard you can select the phase record to which the time applies depending on the configuration your administrator has set. is to be copied to the project.

More than one entry may exist for a location/methodology/phase. This is because a project location/methodology/phase can include start and end dates to which the location/methodology/phase applies.

When the Copy Template Project Methodologies / Phases checkbox is selected, only the Project Methodologies / Phases associated with the selected assignments are copied to the project along with their corresponding Assignment Project Methodology / Phase record.


This table describes the fields in the Risks tab. You can select the risks that you want to copy from the template and adjust each one listed.

Note: Reference fields that you add to custom field sets on the Risk object are displayed as read-only fields in the Risks tab.


Contingency   A description for the plan of contingency to take place against the risk.
Date Raised  

The date that the risk was raised on the project template. This is updated in relation to the start date of the new project when you click:

  • Update Related Record Dates when you are creating a project from a project template.
  • Apply Project Date Offset when you are copying fields from a project template.
Impact   The impact of the risk. Values are 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest).
Likelihood   Likelihood of the risk occurring. Values are 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest).
Risk Description   A description of the risk.
Risk Name   The name of the risk.
Severity   Formula field that calculates the severity of the risk. Calculated by multiplying the Impact value by the Likelihood value.
Status   The status of the risk. Values are Open and Closed. If the status is "Closed" it is changed to "Open" when this field is copied.

Miscellaneous Fields

This table describes the fields that appear on some tabs.

E - Extended edition of Create Project From Template only.

Field     Description
Select All     Select or deselect all records on a particular tab.
Select All Related Records E  

If selected, all records on all tabs are selected. The default is deselected.

N of T Selected E   Number count of records on a tab. Where N is the number selected and T is the total number of records.