Project Task Fields

The following information describes the fields and buttons on the Project Task object.


Some system-generated fields are not updated immediately when you make a change, but are calculated in the background. System-generated fields are not editable on summary tasks. In some cases, you are prevented from editing fields and in other cases, the values revert to the system-generated value. For example, if you change the Points Complete field on a summary task to 12 and the summary task has two child tasks, each with a Points Complete value of 5, the Points Complete value on the summary task resets to 10.

* – Mandatory field
255 – maximum field length.
S – If the task is a summary task, information from child tasks is rolled-up to this field and you cannot edit it.

L - Lookup

Field     Description
Actual End Date & Time S  

Date on which the task actually completed. This is the date on which the Completed checkbox was selected.

If you click Complete Tasks on a project to complete multiple tasks, this field is updated with the date and time in each selected task.

Actual Hours S   Hours spent on this task. Rolls up from task time entries on timecards that match any timecard status identified in the Timecard Statuses field of the Task Management Settings custom setting. On parent tasks, this includes hours from child tasks.
Actual Start Date & Time S  

Date on which the task actually started. This is the date on which the Started checkbox was selected.

If you click Start Tasks on a project to start multiple tasks, this field is updated with the date and time in each selected task.

Assigned Resources     System generated list of resources from the project/task assignment associated with the task.
Assigned Resources (Long)     Resources assigned to the project taskClosed A unit of work or collection of work associated with a project..
Blocked     Indicates whether there is something preventing this task from being completed.
Completed S  

Indicates whether the task has been completed.

If you click Complete Tasks on a project to complete multiple tasks, this checkbox is selected in each selected task.

Do Not Auto Update Parents    

Indicates whether the parent project task is prevented from being updated when the points, dates and status fields are updated on this task.

Do Not Auto Update this Task     Indicates whether updates to automatically calculated fields such as start and end dates, percentage complete and points are prevented.
Duration Units     Specifies the units of time used for project tasks. Valid values are hours or days. The default value is days.
End Date & Time S   The date and time on which work for this task is projected to end. Timecards can still be entered for a task after this date as long as it is not closed for time entry.
Estimated Hours     Original estimated hours for the task.
Estimated Time To Completion (Task)    

Specifies the estimated hours to completion (ETC) required to finish a project task. When a value is not specified in this field, ETC is not used. When the value is zero, the task is considered complete. When any other value is entered, ETC is considered. For more information about how this field works in conjunction with other fields, see Hours Remaining, Percent Complete (Hours) and Projected Hours fields.

Hours Remaining     Number of hours remaining to complete the task calculated from estimated hours minus actual hours. When a value is set in Estimated Time to Completion (Task), Hours Remaining is derived from Estimated Time to Completion (Task).
Milestone     The milestone of the parent project.
Notes     Notes on the project task. The content of this field is shared with the Project Task notes field on task lines in the Time Entry page. You can display this field in the Time Entry page by adding it to a task time field set. See Task Time Field Sets.
Peer Order     Internal use only.
Percent Complete (Hours) F   Formula field. When the Estimated Time To Completion (Task) field is not set, the calculation is Actual Hours divided by Estimated Hours multiplied by 100. When the Estimated Time To Completion (Task) field is set with a value, the formula is calculated differently. This calculation is from Actual Hours divided by the sum of Actual Hours and Estimated Time To Completion (Task) multiplied by 100.
Percent Complete (Points) S   The total number of completed project task points divided by total number of project task points related to this one. This includes child tasks. This field updates as the projectClosed A collection of activities and related items to be managed over a defined time range, such as timecards, expenses, milestones and budgets. is completed.
Percent Complete (Tasks) S   The total number of completed project tasks divided by total number of project tasks related to this one. This includes child tasks. This field updates as the project is completed.
Points S   The burn-down points. For instance, you can assign a complex task a higher number of points than a simpler one. Points roll up to parent tasks. If you use planning pokerClosed A consensus based technique commonly used in Agile software development for estimating the size or relative effort of a task or story. to estimate effort or the relative size of a task, we recommend entering a number in the Fibonacci sequenceClosed A sequence of whole numbers where the first numbers in the sequence are 0, 1, 2 and every subsequent number in the sequence is the sum of the previous two numbers. such as 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55 or 89.
Points Baseline S   Points allocated to the task.
Points Complete S   Indicates the number of project task points that are completed.
Points Remaining S   Indicates the number of project task points that are yet to be completed.

The current priority of the task. The default values are P1 to P5, but you can use P1 or P5 as the highest priority.

Project     Name of the project to which the project task relates.
Project Task Name * 255 The name representing the project task and its children if applicable.

A Project Task's Name chain field length cannot exceed 255 characters. If you plan to have several levels of child Project Tasks, consider using shorter project task names.

Projected Hours S  

Formula field. The sum of Actual Hours and Estimated Time To Completion (Task). When Estimated Time to Completion (Task) is not set, the Projected Hours value uses and displays the value of the Estimated Hours field.

Start Date & Time S   The date and time on which work for this task is projected to start. Timecards can still be entered for a task before this date as long as it is not closed for time entry.
Started S  

Indicates whether the task has been started.

If you click Start Tasks on a project to start multiple tasks and you include this task, this checkbox is selected in each selected task.


The status of the project task. Default values are Draft, Planned, Started, Blocked, Complete, and Deferred.


Indicates whether the task is a summary task. A summary contains at least one child task. Information from a child task such as start and end date, percentage complete and points rolls-up to its parent summary task.

Synchronize Milestone and Task     When selected, the related milestone target date and the task end date are synchronized when either are modified in Gantt.
Timecard Hours S R Total hours spent on the task. This rolls-up from task time entries on timecards. The value in this field is copied to the Actual Hours field, which then rolls-up the hierarchy.
Timecard Actual Hours S   The time completed against a timecard for a project task, where the timecard status matches any of those defined in the Timecard Statuses field in the Task Management Settings custom setting.
WBSClosed Work Breakdown Structure Element Number     An identifier which you can use to link the task to an external task management system.
Work Calendar L  

The work calendar used to schedule the start and end times of project tasks, including non-working days, such as weekends and holidays:

  • If a project has an associated work calendar, this is used and shown in the field.
  • If the project does not have an associated work calendar, the 24/7 calendar is used and shown in the field.
  • For tasks, you can also select a different work calendar from the drop-down list in the field. The list displays up to 500 work calendars, but you can start to type in the field to find the work calendar you want.


Key: 255 or 32k – maximum field length.

Field   Description


255 Description for the project task.
Long Description 32k Extended description for the project task.

Task Hierarchy

Key: 255 – maximum field length.

Field   Description
Hierarchy Depth   Number of parent tasks to the top-level task.
Parent Task   The parent task of the project task. Enter a Parent Task only when you are changing the project task hierarchy.
Parent Task End Date   Parent task end date.
Parent Task End Date & Time   End date and time of the parent task.
Parent Task Start Date   Parent task start date.
Parent Task Start Date & Time   Start date and time of the parent task.
Task Key   Identifier of the task.
Task Key Chain   Delimited list of Task Keys in the project task hierarchy.
Task Name Chain 255 Delimited list of parent task names up to the top-level task.
Task Name Chain API   This field has same behavior as the Task Name Chain field, but it is larger to accommodate a larger number of project tasks in the hierarchy.
Top-level Parent Task   The top-level parent task for the project task. The field is blank when the project task is a top-level task.

Integration Hub Connector: Jira - PSA

The following fields are available if you are using the Integration Hub Connector: Jira - PSA.

Key: * – Mandatory field



Jira Correlation ID  

Key of the linked Jira issue. Automatically populated after the project task is synced with a Jira issue, or after Jira issue is synced with the project task.


You must not edit this field unless you are manually correlating the project task with an existing Jira issue.

Jira Issue Type Category *

Indicates whether the issue type the project task will be created as in Jira is a standard issue or a sub-task issue type.


Only applicable if you are syncing PSA project tasks with Jira issue.

Jira Issue Type *

Type of issue the project task is created as in Jira. This picklist depends on the Jira Issue Type Category picklist.

You can add custom issue types to the picklist. The values are case-sensitive and must exist in your Jira application. After adding values, you must also update the dependency with Jira Issue Type Category.


Only applicable if you are syncing PSA project tasks with Jira issue.

Sync with Jira  

Determines if the project is eligible for syncing with Jira.


Only applicable if you are syncing PSA project tasks with Jira issue.

System Information

Field Description
External Task ID An identifier which you can use to integrate the task with task management applications that do not run on the Salesforce platform.

The following related lists, are displayed with the project task detail and are used to view and manage the project task details and attributes:

  • Project Tasks (Child Task)
  • Preceding Tasks
  • Dependent Tasks
  • Project Task Assignments
  • Project Tasks Points Complete History
  • Project Tasks Points History


Button Description
Start Marks the task as started and sets the Actual Start Date and Time fields.
Complete Marks the task as complete and sets the Actual End Date and Time fields.