Invoicing Fields

Here is a description of the fields and buttons that SCM Accounting Connector adds to the Invoicing and Invoice Line Item objects. For more information about the fields and buttons included in SCM, see Invoicing Fields.

Key: * – Mandatory field; S - Included in the core SCM package.

Fields Added by the SCM Accounting Connector to the Invoicing Object
Field   Description
Sales Invoice   When an invoice is successfully exported to FinancialForce Accounting, indicates the sales invoice that the invoice was exported to.
Export Status S Indicates the export status of the invoice. This can be one of the following:
  • New
  • Export in Progress
  • Export Error
  • Exported
  • Exported as Billing Document
Sales Invoice Status   When a sales invoice was successfully exported to FinancialForce Accounting, indicates the status of that sales invoice in FinancialForce Accounting.
Credit Note   Credit note in FinancialForce Accounting that was created for the invoice.
Export Error S If an error occurs during the export process, indicates the error that occurred.

When a sales invoice is successfully imported, that sales invoice is listed on the Sales Invoices related list of the invoice.

Invoice Line Item Fields

Fields Added by the SCM Accounting Connector to the Invoice Line Item Object
Field Description
Credit Note Line Item Credit note line item in FinancialForce Accounting that was created for the invoice.
Sales Invoice Line Item Sales invoice line item in FinancialForce Accounting that was created for the invoice.


Buttons Added by the SCM Accounting Connector to the Invoicing Object
Button Description
Push to FFA You can use this button to push the document to FinancialForce Accounting manually.

To use this button, you must ensure that the FinancialForce Accounting Company to which you are sending the document is the only company selected in FinancialForce Accounting.