Input Form Manager - Journal Fields

Here is a summary of the fields that appear on the default Journal form supplied with the Input Form Manager. See Journal Fields for further information.

Key: – Field marked as mandatory on the input form and cannot be removed from the input form template. * – Mandatory field that can be removed from the input form template but will generate an error when the input form is used. *C – Mandatory if charges exist. D – Field contains derived data.

Journal - Input - Header

Field Label    
Journal Currency * D
Journal Date *  
Journal Description    
Period * D

Journal - Input - Summary

Field Label  
Credits D
Debits D
Total D

Journal - Input - Lines

Field Label  
Bank Account  
Destination Company  
Destination Line Type  
Dimension 1  
Dimension 2  
General Ledger Account *
Line Type  
Line Description  
Net Value  
Product Analysis  
Tax Analysis  
Tax Code  
Tax Value  
Taxable Value  
Value *

Journal - View - Header

Field Label    
Journal Currency * D
Journal Date *  
Journal Description    
Journal Status    
Period * D
Transaction   D
Type   D

Journal - View - Summary

Field Label  
Credits D
Debits D
Total D

Journal - View - Lines

Field Label  
Bank Account  
Destination Company  
Destination Line Type  
Dimension 1  
Dimension 2  
General Ledger Account *
Line Type  
Line Description  
Net Value  
Product Analysis  
Tax Analysis  
Tax Code  
Tax Value  
Taxable Value  
Value *