Managing Custom Input Forms

You must deactivate a custom input form before you can edit it, delete it, or change the companies that it is assigned to.

To deactivate a custom input form:

  1. Click the Input Form Manager tab.
  2. Select the form that you need to deactivate.
  3. Click Deactivate. The Status column in the grid will now show that the form is Inactive.

Once a form has been deactivated you can:

  • Click Delete to delete it. If you delete a custom input form that has been used, when you next load the documents created using that form they will be displayed using the default custom form for that document type and form type (unless a replacement custom input form has been set up).
  • Click Edit to load it for editing.
  • Change the companies it is assigned to by using the controls in the Assignments panel.

After editing a form or changing the companies it is assigned to, you must click Activate to make the form available for use again.