Einstein Next Best Action - Update Skills

The Einstein Next Best Action - Update Skills feature generates recommendations for resources to update their skills and certifications. These recommendations are filtered and displayed using a strategy. Resources can accept or decline these recommendations. Once a recommendation is accepted or rejected, this creates a flow that takes the user to their listed skills and certifications, where they can be updated.

The Einstein Next Best Action - Update Skills component is created using the Feature Console. For more information on enabling this feature, see Feature Console.

To delete the Einstein Next Best Action - Update Skills component, follow the steps described in Deleting the Einstein Next Best Action - Update Skills Component.

For more information on Next Best Actions, see the Salesforce Help.

After creating the Einstein Next Best Action - Update Skills component, you can add it to your required page layouts. For more information, see Assigning the Einstein Next Best Action - Update Skills Component to Page Layouts.

You can also customize the Einstein Next Best Action - Update Skills component according to your business requirements. For more information, see Customizing the Einstein Next Best Action - Update Skills Component.

Once the Einstein Next Best Action - Update Skills feature has been configured and added to your required page layouts, users can update their skills / certifications by clicking Yes | Manage from the next best action dialog. For more information, see Managing Skills, Certifications, and Experience for Resources.