Copying a Team Schedule

To copy a team schedule from a previous week:

  1. Access the Team Schedule Planner page from one of the following:
    • The PSE Links sidebar on the Home tab.
    • The Open Team Scheduler button on the Manage Team page.
    • The Team tab.
  2. Select the Create Schedule tab on the Team Schedule Planner page.
  3. Select a team from the Team picklist.
  4. Using the date selector , navigate to the week to which you are copying schedules to.
  5. Click Copy Schedule.
  6. In the Copy Schedule dialog, complete the Copy Schedule Fields.
  7. Click Copy Schedule.
  8. Click Save.

If you make a mistake in copying a schedule (such as copying to an incorrect week) do not save your changes to back out the copy. If you save, you can overwrite the incorrect schedule later, as needed.