Team Schedule Template Slot Fields

Here is a description of the fields that make up a team schedule template slot record.

Key: * – Mandatory field

Field   Description
Hours * The number of hours required per resource in the schedule time slot or shift.
Resources Required * The number of resource required for the schedule time slot or shift.
Start Time *

Global picklist specifying the time at which the time slot or shift begins.

Valid values for time input are:

  • h:mm
  • hh:mm
  • h:mm (h:mm)
  • hh:mm (hh:mm)

Where 'h' is a value for hour and 'm' is a value for minute. Hour values are in 24-hour format unless you add AM or PM using formats such as:

  • h:mm[am|pm]
  • hh:mm[am|pm]
  • h:mm[AM|PM] (h:mm)
  • hh:mm[am|pm] (hh:mm)

You can delimit the AM or PM values with parenthesis "()", curly-brackets "{}", or square brackets "[]".

End Time *

Global picklist specifying the time at which the time slot or shift ends.

Valid values for time input are:

  • h:mm
  • hh:mm
  • h:mm (h:mm)
  • hh:mm (hh:mm)

Where 'h' is a value for hour and 'm' is a value for minute. Hour values are in 24-hour format unless you add AM or PM using formats such as:

  • h:mm[am|pm]
  • hh:mm[am|pm]
  • h:mm[AM|PM] (h:mm)
  • hh:mm[am|pm] (hh:mm)

You can delimit the AM or PM values with parenthesis "()", curly-brackets "{}", or square brackets "[]".

Team Schedule Template   A lookup to the team schedule template associated with this schedule time slot.
Team Schedule Template Slot Name * The name of the time slot on the team schedule template.
Team Schedule Template Slot Type * A lookup to the team schedule slot type.
Type * The schedule time slot or shift type.