Updating Page Layouts

Here is a description of the changes that you must carry out on the page layouts in your organization after installing the connector.

Page Layout Changes
Object Layout Changes
AP Voucher Layout (Matched Layout) Add the Payable Invoice field.
Add the Push to FFA button.
Add the Payable Invoices related list.
Remove the Foreign Invoice Number field.
AP Voucher Line Layout Add the Payable Invoice Line Item field
Add the Payable Invoice Expense Line Item field.
Credit Invoice Layout Add the Credit Note field.
Add the Push to FFA button.
Remove the Foreign Credit Invoice field.
GL Account Layout (SCM) Add the FFA General Ledger Account field.
Remove the Financial GL Account field.
ICP Layout Add the Company field.
Inventory Transaction
Perpetual Record
Add the Export Status field.
Add the Export Error field.
Add the FF Journal field.
Invoicing Layout Add the Credit Note field.
Add the Sales Invoice field.
Add the Push to FFA button.
Add the Sales Invoices related list.
Add the Sales Credit Notes related list.
Invoice Line Item Add the Sales Invoice Line Item field.
Add the Credit Note Line Item field.
Add the Sales Invoices Line Items related list.
Add the Sales Credit Note Line Items related list.
Journal Layout Add the SCM Perpetual Transaction field.
Journal List View Layout Add the pull SCM Journals button.
Payable Invoice Layout Add the AP Voucher field.
Payable Invoice List View Layout Add the Pull AP Vouchers button.
Payable Invoice Line Layout Add the AP Voucher Line field.
Payable Invoice Expense Line
Add the AP Voucher Line field.
Product Group Make sure the Product field is added. This field is included in the core SCM installation package. For new installations of CertiniaSCM the field will be already added. If you upgraded to a newer version of SCM you will need to add it to the layout.

Add the COGSClosed Cost of Goods Sold Account field.

Add the Inventory account field.
Add the Dimension 1-4 fields.
Add the Purchase Analysis Account for Category field.
Add the Purchase Analysis Account for Product field.

Add the Sales Revenue Account field.

Purchase Order Layout
(all layouts)
Add the Company field.
Purchase Order Line Layout
(description only)
Add the General Ledger Account field.
Reason Code Add the General Ledger Account field.
Sales Credit Note layout Add the SCM Invoice field.
Add the SCM Credit Invoice field.
Sales Credit Note List View Layout Add the Pull SCM Credit Invoices button.
Sales Credit Note Line Item Layout Add the SCM Invoice Line field.
Add the SCM Credit Invoice Line field.
Sales Invoice Layout Add the SCM Invoice field.
Sales Invoice List View Layout Add the Pull SCM Invoices button.
Sales Invoice Line Layout Add the SCM Invoice Line field.
Sales Order Layout (all layouts) Add the Company field.
Service Contract Layout (all layouts) Add the Company field.