About Logs

In ClickLink logs are generated when you run your ClickLink rules. You can view the log entries that are generated when you run your ClickLink rules. You can set up an email template so that you are sent an email with logging information when a ClickLink job runs or when a user selects list view buttons on the source object. See Setting up Email Templates.


If you want to add contextual information to log records so that log entries are displayed directly on the detail pages of source object records, add custom lookup fields to the ClickLink Log Line Items object that link back to the source object in your rules. See Viewing Contextual Log Information". Once you have added these lookup fields, you can also use them in email templates. See Setting up Email Templates.


The default log output setting reports errors only. When you are developing ClickLink rules, you can enable information log entries by selecting the Include Information Messages in Logs checkbox in the ClickLink Settings custom setting.