Log Fields

Here is a description of the fields on a ClickLink log:

Field Description
Log Id Unique identifier of the ClickLink log.
Summary Summary of the action carries out that generated the log.
User, Created By, Last Modified by User that carried out the action.
ClickLink Rule Lookup to the ClickLink rule to which the log relates.
ClickLink Button Lookup to the ClickLink button to which the log relates.
ClickLink Job If the log entry relates to a ClickLink job where one or more records are processed, the fields contains the name of the ClickLink job.
Errors Number of error messages in the ClickLink log line items.
Lines Number of ClickLink log line items.
Run Now Job Indicates whether the job was run immediately using the Run Now button.
Apex Job ID Identifier of the Apex job to which the log refers.

ClickLink Log Line Items

Field Description
ClickLink Log Unique identifier of the ClickLink log to which the log line item refers.
Log Line Item ID Unique identifier of the ClickLink log line item.
Severity Indicates the type of information in the log line item.
Message A message describing the activity being logged.
Created By, Last Modified by The person who carried out the action which generated the log line item.

If you want to add contextual information to log records so that log entries are displayed directly on the detail pages of source object records, add custom lookup fields to the ClickLink Log Line Items object that link back to the source object in your rules. See Viewing Contextual Log Information". Once you have added these lookup fields, you can also use them in email templates. See Setting up Email Templates.