Item Overview Settings

Use these fields in the Item Overview custom setting to change the sections, fields and buttons that appear of the Item Overview page in Order and Inventory Management.

Custom Field Description
Display Procurement Information Tab Indicates whether the Procurement Information tab is displayed on the Item Overview page.
Display Price List Indicates whether the Price List section of the Sales Information tab is displayed.
Display Inventory Breakdown By Warehouse Indicates whether the Inventory Breakdown by Warehouse section of the Availability Overview tab is displayed.
Display Purchase Order Line History Indicates whether the Purchase Orders History section of the Procurement Information tab is displayed.
Display Supplier Agreements Indicates whether the Supplier Agreements section of the Procurement Information tab is displayed.
Display Sales Order History Indicates whether the Sales Orders History section of the Sales Information tab is displayed.
Display Sales Information Tab Indicates whether the Sales Information tab is displayed on the Item Overview page.
Display Inventory Breakdown By Ownership Indicates whether the Inventory Breakdown by Ownership section of the Availability Overview tab is displayed.
Default Item Overview Tab Default tab displayed on the Item Overview page.
Default Inventory Section Default category displayed on the Availability Overview tab.
Location Indicates the user, profile or organization to which these custom fields apply. You can configure this custom setting for your entire organization, a profile or for a particular user.
Display Availability Overview Tab Indicates whether the Availability Overview tab is displayed on the Item Overview page.
Display Inventory Breakdown By Condition Indicates whether the Inventory Breakdown by Condition section of the Availability Overview tab is displayed.
Display Inventory Adjustment Button Indicates whether the Inventory Adjustment button is displayed on the Item Overview page.
Display Available Inventory Button Indicates whether the Available Inventory button is displayed on the Item Overview page.