Why are Actuals not Rolling Up?

There are several reasons why actuals might not roll up:

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You create a project hierarchy after selecting the Include in Financials checkbox. To correct this, recalculate the actuals on the top-level project in the hierarchy. See Recalculating Resource and Project Actuals.
The business record does not belong to the region, practice, or group that you expect it to roll up to. Change the region, practice, or group that the business record belongs to. If necessary, recalculate the actuals. See Recalculating Resource and Project Actuals and Recalculating Actuals with the Actuals Verifier.
The Include in Financials checkbox is not selected on a business record that is not rolling up. Select the Include in Financials checkbox on the business record. For example, Include In Financials on a milestone record.
PSA configuration such as the actuals calculation mode is preventing the item from being rolled up. Check the configuration options in the Actuals and Actuals Types configuration groups. See Actuals Settings.